“We’re going to leave.” Nash glanced up at Emma as his new sister-in-law added, “Right, Shep?”

“Why are we leaving?” Shep frowned.

Emma glared at him. “Because we are. I need . . .” Her gaze flicked up to the sky before returning to her new husband. “I need groceries.”

“No, we don’t.” Shep’s frown deepened.

She smacked his arm. “Yes. We. Do.”

Shep chuckled softly and rose. “Apparently, we need groceries. We’ll be back.”

Emma smiled. “Not for a while, though.” She winked.

“But I’ve—”

Emma turned a death glare onto Shep. “I. Said. Not. For. A. While. Shep.”

His brother sighed, then grumbled to Nash, “I’ll text in a bit and see if I can come back to my house.”

Nash restrained his chuckle, and then he winked back at Emma. He was glad Shep found her. Hell, he was equally as happy for Chase and Harper. His brothers had found good women. Nash knew he’d found a good woman too.

When Shep and Emma vanished around the corner of the house, Nash rose and entered through the back door and into the kitchen. He stopped and leaned against the doorframe, staring at Megan, while she swayed her hips to the music coming from the radio. Christ, she was beautiful. More beautiful than ever. She wore a dress that in most circles would be considered modest. On her, nothing seemed modest. The fabric hugged her in all the right places, tempting him to rip it right off her.

Nash silently watched her cleaning the dishes. He planned to help . . . just not now. He noticed the way she began washing the dishes slower, obviously not paying attention to what she was doing anymore. Oh, yeah, she knew he was there.

He started with the truth. “You’re going to be such an incredible mother.”

She glanced over her shoulder, eyes wide with surprise, then smiled.

And just like that, his day got immensely better. He loved her smile. “You’re strong,” he told her, staying put for now. “You’re smart and protective.” It occurred to him this morning that she was going to be a fierce mama bear, and damn, did he like that. “Our child is lucky to have you as their mom.” He paused. “And I’m so damn lucky to have you in my life.”

“We’re both the lucky ones here, Nash,” she said softly.

He strode forward, needing to get closer. Then he dropped to his knees in front of her, cradled her belly in his hands, and kissed his child there. “We are lucky. So very lucky.” She slid her fingers into his hair and he stayed there awhile, his forehead pressed to her tummy. When he finally rose, he planted his hands on either side of her, gripping the counter behind her. He stared intently, leaving her no room to look anywhere else but at him. “You love me.”

Her eyes softened. Those eyes did strange things to his chest. Things he liked.

“We’ve both known for years that I love you,” she finally said. “I think it’s about time we say it aloud.”

He gripped the counter tight, afraid that if he didn’t, he’d kiss her and not stop. And things needed to be said. “About earlier—”

“No, I don’t want to talk about that.” She shook her head, her pleading eyes clawing at his chest. “No more talking about my dad, or explaining anything. No apologizing or excuses. I want to be happy, Nash. That’s it.” She cupped his face, her hands damp with the sudsy water. “Let’s be happy. Okay? Our baby deserves that. Hell, we deserve that.”

“You’re right.” He pressed his hand on her hip, pinning her there, and he closed the distance. “You do deserve to be happy.” She also deserved so much more. “You deserve everything, Megan.” He pressed his lips against her forehead, and somehow, even that didn’t feel close enough. “You deserve the world handed to you.” And at some point, they would need to talk further about that, but those conversations didn’t need to happen now.

Wanting only to make her feel good, he dropped his chin as his gaze met hers, and that was when he understood the true meaning of failure. It wasn’t about being able to step into a ring again and last the eight seconds to prove he was a man. His true failure lay in disappointing Megan, watching her lose hope in the love she should have, and having her loving him in the right ways while he loved her all wrong.

When he blazed a hot kiss across her mouth, causing her to step closer, pressing her breasts into him, it occurred to him that Shep was right. Nash did have all the answers. He knew exactly what he needed to do. Right now, he needed to make his woman happy. The rest would come later.

Their tongues danced together, and Nash ate up every single delicious moan she gave to him. Needing more of her, he slid his hand up her inner thigh, pulling up her dress as he went.

She grabbed his wrist and exclaimed, “We’re at Emma’s!”

“They’re gone. We’ve got the house to ourselves.” She slowly let go of his hand, and he slid his fingers between her thighs, finding her hot and wet. “You are so fucking perfect, Freckles.” He nuzzled her neck and pressed his hard length against her thigh, feeling the shudder rock through her.

“Nash,” she breathed, her head falling back.

He reached up and pulled her dress down, exposing her taut nipples. He sucked on one, then the other, hearing her moans get a little louder . . . a little more intense, while he removed her panties.