Nash’s text had come the moment Megan finally arrived at Kinky Spurs to start her workday. She only managed a few hours before calling it quits. Her head wasn’t in the game. Her emotions felt raw. She was in no real state to talk to people, so she called another bartender to fill her place and drove out to the mountains, taking in the view, getting her emotions under control. No one at Kinky Spurs needed to see her be such a mess.

All she kept thinking about was all the things she couldn’t change, no matter how much she wanted to. Yeah, she knew her dad was ruthless and wrong most of the time when it came to business. That’s why she wasn’t his business partner, she was his daughter. And she loved him. To her, he was good and loving, and her childhood was full of happy memories. She wanted her child to know that man. The man who loved his family.

So, there it was. The realization that she couldn’t have that big happy family. She was finally okay with that too, because she wasn’t blind to the man her father was to other people and the horrible things he did. Hell, maybe somewhere along the line she had separated the man and the businessman to still be able to love him.

Truth was, her love wasn’t conditional. When someone had her love, they had it forever. But she also knew that continuing to try and force Nash and her dad together was going to hurt her and the baby, and that was where she drew a line.

A line that, once they crossed it, they couldn’t uncross. She’d still love them both—that’s just how her heart worked—but she’d protect herself, and as history had shown her, she was very good at that. It took Nash years to get close. And it took something bigger than herself to give that extra push.

This was her new reality. Nash wouldn’t come to family dinners at her parents’. Megan would make time, so their child could see his or her grandfather. And that’s the way they’d move forward now.

All of that was okay. Because it had to be.

Feeling strong in her choices, after she left the mountains, she drove across town to Emma and Shep’s place. As she slowly drove up the driveway, she was sure her eyes were betraying her. She quickly parked her car next to Nash’s truck and was out a second later. Staring at the sand ring straight ahead, she carefully moved toward Shep, who was sitting on the rocking chair on the porch. “Am I seeing this right?” she asked.

“Unbelievable, right?” Shep mused.

“Yeah, no kidding,” Megan breathed.

Emma was riding Bentley, taking him on a slow trot around the ring. The once-labeled devil horse—who admittedly had almost killed Emma when he’d come to the ranch after a hard life—was being a perfect gentleman. Nash stood by close to her; his mouth was moving, but Megan couldn’t hear what he was telling Emma.

“Wow.” Megan climbed the steps and then sat in the rocking chair next to Shep. “Never thought I’d see the day.”

“You and me both.” Shep smiled before taking a sip of his beer, the condensation dripping along the bottle.

Megan licked her lips.

Shep burst out laughing. “Thirsty?”

“I miss beer.” She stared at the bottle, dreamily. “A lot.”

“I can only imagine how hard that must be.” He began to rise. “Want some lemonade?”

Now it was her turn to laugh. “It’s a little sad I’m so predictable, isn’t it?”

“Can’t help what you crave,” Shep said before vanishing to fetch her drink.

Megan focused back on Nash in the ring. He moved in the center now, arms crossed, keeping a close eye on Emma trotting around. God, he was so sexy out there. Fully in control. As for Emma, for a city girl, she had become a great rider. Confident. Bentley on the other hand was a horse Megan barely recognized. So good and calm. Nash surely had a gift.

When the front screen door opened again, Shep returned carrying Megan’s drink. “Thanks.” She smiled and took a quick sip, relishing the sour taste. “So, what made Nash suddenly decide to let Emma ride Bentley?”

Shep returned to his seat, reaching for his beer. “Not sure exactly what made him decide, but I do know that Ma was talking to him about starting up his own training facility.”

“Oh,” Megan said, surprised. Though after a moment, she realized she shouldn’t have been. “You know what, he’d be really good at that. Look what he’s done with Bentley.”

Shep gave a firm nod. “Ma’s words exactly.” He studied his brother in the sand ring, sticking close to Emma. “Seems like he’s considering it enough he knew he needed to pass on Bentley, so he could move on.” Shep glanced sideways at Megan, gave her a knowing look. “It’s long overdue, really. Bentley’s been good for a month now. Nash has been overly cautious.”

Megan snorted. “Considering this horse was nuts when Emma got him, I don’t think that’s such a bad thing.”

“You’re probably right,” Shep said, tipping his beer bottle at her.

Megan slid her gaze back to Nash. His confidence with horses was amazing to watch. His steadiness, sureness . . . she liked this side of him. Dependable. She felt safe with this part of him. Actually, she felt safe with all of him.

“I heard about this morning,” Shep said, drawing Megan’s attention to him.

She took a long sip of her drink to gather all the emotions suddenly swelling in her throat. “It’s okay,” she said after she swallowed. “Sometimes things don’t work out, no matter how much you try.”

Shep’s mouth pinched. “You’re okay with that? Keeping your life with Nash and your life with your father separate?”