Nash laughed against the rim of his bottle. “Wimp.” He took a long sip, relishing the crisp, clean taste of Foxy Diva. Some beers were too hoppy. Others too bitter. Some even too sweet. Not Foxy Diva. The Three Chicks Brewery pale ale was sheer perfection. “How’s the farm?” Nash asked no one in particular.

Shep took a seat on the grass, one elbow resting on his knee. “Beckett and Hayes have taken over the guest ranch. They’ve got things handled.”

“Good.” One less thing to worry about. “Any word on the fire?”

Chase leaned his back against the thick tree trunk. “The fire marshal and crew are out there today sifting through the rubble. He won’t tell us a damn thing. Said we need to wait for the final report.”

Nash took another long sip of his beer, still feeling like shit for Megan hearing him talking about her father at the hospital. And yet . . . and yet, his instincts leaned in that direction. Careful not to mention names, he asked, “Any word from the cops if they agree the fire was purposely set?”

“It’s all speculation at this point,” Shep said with a slight shrug.

Nash already knew the fire was no accident. But he also believed his brothers needed evidence. And Nash had learned now to keep his mouth shut. “How long will the investigation take?”

Chase drew in a long breath then said in a deep voice, “We’ll gather all the evidence and data then come up with a hypothesis. After that, we challenge the hypothesis until we believe without a doubt that we have the right answer.”

Nash laughed. “I take it that’s the fire marshal speaking?”

Chase nodded. “Which basically means anywhere from a few days to a number of months.”

“Let’s hope it’s the former,” Nash said, then took a big gulp of beer.

Gus returned with the ball then and tossed it onto Nash’s lap. Houdini was still near the creek. Nash threw it near him, and Houdini jumped in the creek. Gus charged into the water, grabbing the ball first, nudging the puppy out of the water.

Nash smiled. His dog was going to be good with the baby. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind.

“Once we have the information we need,” said Shep, breaking the silence, “we’ll move ahead.”

Yeah, like knocking Harrison’s teeth out.

As if Chase had read Nash’s mind, he asked, “What about Megan in all this?”

Nash finished off three more big sips. That was where everything got complicated. “She stays out of it. There’s no reason she needs to be involved. It’s business. What I have with her isn’t.?


Shep and Chase exchanged a long look before Shep rose and cupped Nash’s uninjured shoulder. “For your sake, I hope it’s that simple.”

No one said much after that. Nash knew why. The situation was complex, and everyone was aware of that. But Nash could keep Megan out of this. He had no doubt.

When they finished their beers, Shep and Chase left with Houdini, returning to their jobs. Nash kept playing ball with Gus until the dog plopped down next to him, finally exhausted. Just so happened that beer and the drugs he had taken that morning were the perfect cocktail to make Nash tired too.

He shut his eyes, wanting to rest them. But when he opened them again, he had no clue how much time had passed until he also realized he wasn’t alone.

Megan offered him a glass of a water and two pills. “Why are you out here?”

He accepted both and tossed the pills back before handing her the glass. He considered if maybe Chase was right, and he should keep his trap shut for survival purposes. He quickly decided against it. There was enough he wasn’t telling Megan. What he could, he would. “Chase and Shep came over for a beer.”

She laughed. “Is that your brothers’ way of checking in on you?”

“Yup.” He smiled then gestured to his lap. “Come here, Freckles.”

She carefully slid onto his lap. “That is honestly the sweetest thing I think I’ve ever seen.”

He followed her gaze off to the right, realizing that she’d brought the kittens home at some point. They were all curled up with Gus, sleeping between his paws and his face. “I’ve never seen him so attached before,” he told her.

Megan nodded, staring down at them. “He does seem to be madly and deeply in love.”

Nash leaned his head back, trying to fight against the slight pain the move caused. “What time is it?”