Using her tank top, she took his wrist and tied his uninjured arm to the hospital bed where he supposed they restrained people if necessary. Without missing a beat, she restrained his other arm with her bra. Tight.

When her gaze met his again, he hardly recognized his own deep voice. “Cowboy up, Freckles.”

Keeping her eyes on him, she removed her panties then rested her hands on his chest and took him in one long, slow movement. He groaned against her warm wetness, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. He slid his hands around the hospital bed, holding on to the thin posts, not wanting to pull against her bindings. This was the most erotic thing he had ever let a woman do to him, and he never wanted her to stop.

The most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, she moved slowly, grinding her hips, letting him see all of her. Her back was arched, her hard nipples angled up, awaiting his mouth. The tease became all consuming. Now he realized why he always did the tying up. This was sheer torture. The way her creamy flesh looked with the moonlight cascading across her face and gorgeous body. The way her hair curtained her face. Even how her lips were parted with her sweet, quiet moans. Taking what she wanted, and how she wanted it, she rode him with a fluid rock of her hips, every single thrust making him harder and her wetter.

He tightened his good hand on the bed railing and restrained his moan, so as not to draw the nurse’s attention, while Megan began moving faster and faster, back and forth. Her breasts bounced, but Nash couldn’t look away from her face, not when she was claiming her pleasure. Especially since she stared right at him. Boldly. Sensually.

Though, soon, those unique stunning eyes were gone as she arched her back and her breath hitched. She shuddered once then breathlessly came atop him. Her inner walls convulsed against his shaft with each and every throaty moan she gave.

Every man had a limit.

Nash’s had been hit.

Desperate to fill her with nothing but unleashed raw euphoria that he knew he could give her, he yanked his hand out from the tank top, grabbed the back of her neck, pressing her chest against his, and pumped his hips up into her until her hitching moans sounded by his ear.

Her inner muscles contracted again, his shaft drenched in her arousal. He gripped her neck tight, holding her close, keeping her right where he wanted. He moved hard and fast, getting her higher, needing to take her there again. Because he fucking needed her. He wanted her happy, only feeling good. Nothing else would work for him anymore.

With a wild shudder, followed by several quiet moans and his frantic thrusts, she broke apart above him. He joined her, grunting his pleasure deep inside her, releasing all that he had to give. His strength faltered, the day, the injury, the emotion, leaving his

eyes closed and his muscles heavy.

Sometime later, she said, “That is not how that’s supposed to go.” She leaned up and rested her hands on either side of his head on the pillow. “When someone ties you up, you are supposed to stay tied up.”

“Not when I make the rules.” He had yet to look at her. The pain from his shoulder suddenly blinded him.

With quick, gentle fingers, she untied his bound wrist and removed the tank top from the bed, then dressed before climbing under the blankets with him, setting his hospital gown back into place.

Nash let go of the bed railing, and blistering pain dragged a grunt from his throat.

“You’re in pain.”

Not a question, a statement.

“Totally worth it.” He finally managed to open his eyes and reached for the morphine button. “Besides, I have this glorious shit.”

She gave him a cute look. “I thought you didn’t do drugs.”

“It was either drugs or no sex.” He scooted back down the bed, getting comfortable against the pillow, biting back the curse words on the tip of his tongue from the seething agony burning his shoulder. “Tell me what I want to hear, Freckles.”

She snuggled into him. He wondered if she’d refuse him. He nearly filled the long silence. Until she planted her mouth by his ear and laughed softly. “I really, really like you, Nash Blackshaw.” Then she kissed his cheek.

“Ah, and there it is.” He held her close and clicked the morphine button, taking those final words into his dreams.

Chapter 10

The next morning, Megan drove Nash home from the hospital. They picked up Gus from Shep and Emma’s on the way since they’d watched him last night. After that, Megan got Nash settled onto the couch to rest, with Gus lying on the floor next to him. She topped Nash up with pain meds before she left to get started on her day. The kittens were still at her mom’s, but Megan intended to grab them soon.

With a thousand things racing through her mind, she arrived home twenty minutes later and looked around the apartment she’d renovated when she bought Kinky Spurs with the inheritance her grandmother left her. Megan loved this space, a mix of new with the original stone wall behind her television stand. Cedar beams separated the living room and the tiny kitchen with bright white cabinets and a quartz countertop. Though, standing in the her living room, she couldn’t ignore the worries that had come to light the second she heard Nash say, “Clint Harrison. If anyone is behind this, you know it’s him. My gut is telling me he still wants our land. I’m sure of it. This stinks of that dirty sonuvabitch.”

She almost believed Nash that this would be all okay. And maybe it would be. Eventually. But not now. Not even close to now. It occurred to Megan that she couldn’t exist like he did. Living minute by minute, not having a plan. It wasn’t only her now. And an apartment atop a bar was no place to raise a baby. Sure, Kinky Spurs was all Megan’s, and would stay hers, but the little one growing inside her belly needed what Megan had had: A backyard to play in. A proper kitchen table, not stools at the kitchen island. Most of all, the baby needed a nursery. A safe place to call home.

She grabbed herself a glass of lemonade then sat at the kitchen island with her laptop. Still missing the hell out of her morning coffee, she scanned through the available properties in River Rock on the town’s only real estate agency website, River Rock Real Estate. The market in River Rock had never been overly hot. Most properties listed for sale took a while to sell. Except for those in the country or near the mountains. Everyone was looking for the view, and most people looking in those areas came in with cash offers.

She continued to sip her cold drink and scroll through the properties, when one property immediately caught her eye. As did the fact that the real estate agent was Jannie, a woman Megan knew from high school.

After a quick snack to keep the nausea at bay and phone calls to Jannie, Harper, and Emma to meet her at the property, Megan arrived at the two-story white house. The home was within walking distance of Kinky Spurs, a definite added bonus, especially considering the daycare was close by too. Even though Megan was pretty sure her mom would want to watch the baby. Maybe even Jenny would too.