Next to Nash, Megan relaxed. She began laughing. And so did everyone else at the table.

“My head will be fine,” Nash finally addressed the comment. “A baby is good news.”

Emma agreed with a nod. “Jenny will be thrilled.” Emma turned to Shep, bright-eyed. “Oh, my God, I can totally picture your mom’s face right now.”

Shep nodded. “She’s been waiting a while.” He looked at Megan. “Prepare yourself that she might hover a bit.”

“That’s okay,” Megan said with a soft laugh. “My mom will be happy too, and she’ll be hovering alongside her.”

Nash noted she held her breath, obviously having more to say. He squeezed his hand on her thigh again. “Your father will be happy too.”

She looked at him, eyes soft, and she nodded.

“After he decapitates Nash,” Harper said under her breath. “I bet he’ll be real happy.”

Nash glared at Harper. She shrugged his look away, always one to tell it like it was. Most times he appreciated that about her. Just not now.

“My dad loves babies,” Megan interjected, drawing Nash’s gaze to her. “He’s really gushy with them.”

At that, Shep lifted his brows. “I’m having a hard time picturing your father being gushy at anything.”

Megan moved her sausage around her plate with her fork. “I think that’s because you don’t really know him.”

Chase lifted his head then and stared at Megan. “We’ll fix that,” he finally said. “Once the dust settles, we’ll have a dinner and get the families together.”

Megan gave him an are-you-kidding-me look. “You actually think that’s even possible?”

“Of course I do,” Chase said firmly.

Shep piped up then and gave Megan a smile. “You’re family now, Megan. We’ll make this work.”

“I say, it’s about damn time,” said Emma, lowering her beer back down to the table. “This feud is stupid. I mean, seriously, how your fathers ever expected you not to like each other is really ridiculous.”

“Right?” Harper stabbed her zucchini with her fork. “It’s time for everyone to move on.”

Megan turned to Nash then, and he smiled. “See? Like I said, everything will be fine.”

She had doubts. He understood why and deserved those doubts. He did hate her father. But to have Megan, Clint Harrison came with the package.

Megan turned back to the group, glancing from face to face. “Well, I . . .” Her voice hitched, tears rose in her eyes. “Dammit. I’m going to cry. I’m sorry.” She grabbed her napkin off the table and wiped her eyes. “This keeps happening.”

Emma and Harper reached forward, touching Megan’s arms, sympathy on their faces.

“It’s understandable. You’re pregnant,” Nash announced. “Doesn’t that make you emotional?”

Megan slowly turned to him, teary eyes narrowed.

“You did not say that, Nash Blackshaw!” Harper exclaimed.

“What?” he asked, glancing between the angry women.

Emma crossed her arms. “Are you going to mansplain pregnancy to us now?”

Shep cleared his throat and rose. “We need more drinks.” The traitor was gone into the house before Nash could say anything more.

He studied the women glaring at him. “I thought that happened . . .” Nash said. When their glares intensified, he turned to Chase. “Anything to add?”

Chase pointed to his plate with his fork. “I’m eating.” But the twitch of his mouth gave him away. The bastard was enjoying this.