When he arrived at the farm after his workday ended, Gus took off around the back of the house, and Nash spotted Chase’s truck parked next to Shep’s. He untacked Bentley, leaving his equipment in the small barn, then gave Bentley a hose down. Nash wouldn’t mind a hose down himself. By Megan. The thought stayed with him as he opened the gate to the paddock and a wet Bentley entered. Nash removed his halter, and the gelding didn’t give Nash another look, moving quickly toward Fiona and Tadgh, Shep’s horses.

Nash slid the lock back into place on the gate then rested his arms on the top of the metal bars. He’d never seen goats, a cow, sheep, and a donkey get on so well. He supposed that since these animals, except for Shep’s horses, all came from abusive situations, this was the best place they had ever known. The world needed people like Emma’s late grandmother and Emma, and Nash was glad to know them.

“Come on, Nash. Dinner.”

Nash glanced over his shoulder, finding Shep near the side of house, waving him forward. Nash hadn’t been expecting dinner at their place tonight. Curious, he made his way toward Shep. “Why are you being so nice to me? What do you want?” he asked seriously.

“This isn’t me,” Shep said with a sly smile. “This is all Emma. Come on. You’ll see why.”

Nash followed Shep, and the moment he made it into the backyard, he completely understood. Megan sat at a picnic table covered with platters of grilled veggies, sausages, and salad. Next to her sat Emma, and across from Emma were Harper and Chase. They were all laughing. He also noticed Gus was playing with Chase and Harper’s

black Labrador retriever, Houdini, who was growing by the day, even with his diabetes. Gus seemed to be a little gentler with the pup, always lying down when playing instead of charging toward him.

Nash turned and smiled at Shep. “Introducing Megan to the family already?”

Shep’s mouth twitched. “The girls were out today.” He glanced at Nash then and leveled him with a knowing look. “I’d say it wasn’t planned, but I have no doubt Emma’s trying to make you both comfortable.”

“That’s good of her,” Nash said.

There was only love in Shep’s eyes when he replied, “She’s a good woman.”

Nash glanced back at the group, and Megan’s gaze connected with his. Held. The sweet smile she gave him warmed dead parts in his chest. She used to glare daggers at him whenever he looked at her. He couldn’t help but wonder why she was so agreeable now. Sure, the baby played a part, but she was so open to him that it made him pause a little. If she liked him this much, why had she been holding back for so long? He should probably find that out.

Chase and Harper greeted him, but Nash stayed focused on Megan. “Hi,” he said to her, cupping her chin. Without pausing, and knowing he’d get a reaction, he dropped his chin and pressed his lips on hers, feeling the shock ripple through her in her tight mouth. He kissed her harder, making a bold statement. If they were doing this, they were doing this. Obviously, Emma was doing her part by inviting them to dinner, including Megan in the family. Besides, it felt good to finally kiss Megan openly in the way he’d wanted to for so long.

When he broke the kiss, she slowly opened her eyes, and the surprise in her expression faded away to a dazzling smile.

“Hi,” she said softly.

“Hey.” He grinned.

“Okay, so that happened,” Harper said with a laugh. “Now can we all stop looking so surprised and eat?”

Nash glanced at the group, finding everyone watching them. Emma’s mouth was hanging open. He laughed. “Yes. Let’s eat.” He dropped down next to Megan. “Looks amazing, ladies.”

Like most meals when it came to him and his brothers, there wasn’t much talking through the first bite of the meal. The girls chatted about the baby and shopping and baby names. Nash smiled through all that. He liked hearing how excited Megan was. He’d never seen this side of her. She was always so guarded around him. She spoke openly and easily. And he found her voice so damn relaxing.

Until the conversation took a hard-right turn.

“When are you going to tell Ma about the baby?” Shep asked, shoveling some veggies into his mouth.

Nash glanced at Megan for that answer.

She shrugged. “Soon.”

The tightness in her voice had Nash sliding his hand across her bare thigh beneath the picnic table. “We’re in no rush.”

Megan looked sideways and gave him a grateful smile, telling him he’d said the right thing.

Yeah, that was all he had to keep doing. Not fuck things up.

“If you ask me, I think that’s fine,” said Harper, shaking salt onto her veggies. “Take this time for yourselves because once your parents find out, heads will roll.” She paused, placing the salt shaker down to reach for the pepper. “Well, maybe not all heads, just Nash’s.”

An awkward pause settled among the group.

“What?” Harper stopped midway through using the pepper. “It’s true. There’s no sense pretending that’s not going to happen.” She added more pepper to her veggies.

Chase shook his head slowly and shoved some sausage in his mouth, obviously avoiding the conversation.