
Nash vaguely noticed Chase drop into the chair next to him. While Shep leaned against the post. He was sure there was a delicate way to broach the subject, but he couldn’t think of it. “Megan’s pregnant.”

“Pregnant?” Chase asked, running a hand over his spiky brown hair. He’d been the only one who got their father’s brown eyes; both Nash and Shep were blue-eyed like their mother. “I hadn’t heard she was dating anyone.”

“Me neither,” said Shep, his sharp eyes studying Nash intently, his hands stuffed into his Levi’s.

Nash had no doubt Shep would know how to handle this like a pro. He’d fallen easily in as the leader of the family when their father passed. Nash ran his hands through his hair and explained, “The baby is mine.”

A heavy beat passed.

If this had happened to one of his brothers, Nash would have laughed. He reveled in being the wild child, not falling in line without a little pushback. He lived to bend the rules or outright break them. Now, he felt as if he were treading water, barely able to breathe. A baby? Sure, he’d thought about having kids at some point in his life. But not now. Not even close to now.

“Can you repeat that?” Shep finally asked, giving his head a good hard shake. “Megan is pregnant and having your baby? When did you even sleep with her?”

“At Chase’s wedding,” Nash replied.

“And neither of you said anything to anyone about it?” Chase asked.

“I didn’t,” Nash reported. “And it seems neither did Megan.” Their night hadn’t been something he would’ve told his brothers, or anyone for that matter., about Because that had been their moment. A moment he fought like hell to get back.

Chase scratched the scruff on his face. “Jesus. And she’s pregnant?”

Nash nodded.

“You didn’t wear a rubber?”

Shep’s scathing tone caused Nash to grit his teeth. “Yeah, of course, I did.” He also recalled the condom hadn’t broken. “Clearly, it was a shoddy brand because that shit didn’t work.”

“Must have had a hole,” Chase muttered.

Nash assumed that too. Or the condom had expired. What did it matter now?

Shep drew in a long, deep breath then strode back into the house, the screen door slamming shut behind him. Nash leaned his head back against the rocking chair, staring out at Bentley, whom he’d brought home after his ride today. Bentley lived here at Shep’s farm, and Nash didn’t want to take him away from what he knew, especially considering the horse had been abused before he arrived at Emma’s farm.

Thoughts raced through his mind, one after another, and he tried desperately to find answers. She had seemed fine for the few weeks after they’d been together but lately, she’d grown distant. He guessed the baby was why. But what bothered him the most was the thought she had been going through all this alone.

When the front door opened again, Shep exited the house carrying three shot glasses and a bottle of whiskey. He poured the shots then offered full glasses to Nash and Chase. “Here.”

“Thanks.” Nash tossed back the drink, embracing the fiery liquid burning down his throat.

A heavy moment passed before Chase said gently, “I hate to be the one to bring this up, but are you certain the baby is yours?”

Nash poured himself another shot then leveled his brother with a hard look. “It’s Megan.” He tossed the shot back before placing the glass down on the table upside down. “She would never lie about this.”

Shep turned his focus entirely onto Nash, arching a single eyebrow. “What are you going to do here?”

“Fuck. Right now, I’m trying to get my feet on solid ground again.” Nash leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. The conversation with her came back to him. “Today, I thought she was pissed because of what happened with her dad.”

A dry laugh spilled from Chase’s mouth. “Oh, shit, that hadn’t even crossed my mind. Harrison is going to kill you.”

“Not if I kill him first,” Nash grumbled, feeling the tension ease through his muscles from the effects of the booze. “The bastard deserves to be clocked, maybe this will give me a good reason to do it.”

Shep snorted. “Getting put in the slammer will do nothing to help Megan.”

The prick deserved a thousand punches for all the shit he’d caused over the years. “I’m aware.”

Shep studied Nash a moment then finally drank his shot. “You’re going to have to make peace with him.”