“In what way?”

She moved a little closer, sliding her hand over more of his cheek. “Things in New York City had to fall apart in the most terrible way, or I would never would have come here. It was the perfect timing that made this all happen. Yes, I made choices along the way, but fate led me here, and I followed where it took me.” She took a large, deep breath. “I guess what I’m trying to say is, I couldn’t understand why Grams left me the house. At first, I thought it was because she knew I would have trouble selling it, and that I would take care to find the perfect owner who would continue looking after all the animals.” Shep wiped the tear trailing down her cheek with his thumb while she added, “Now I know that she left me the farm to bring me to you. That was her final gift to me.”

Emotion drew his brows together, his voice softened. “She loved you.”

“She did,” Emma barely managed, emotion hitching her voice, “and I loved her.”

Shep took her in his arms then, wrapping her in all his strength. He let her cry, her head pressing against his chest. He said nothing, simply holding her, only firming up her choice that she needed to be nowhere else but right here with him.

When the emotion drained, she leaned away. He cupped her cheeks, brushing the lingering moisture away with his thumbs. “I think you’re missing something very important in all this.”

“What’s that?”

“Your grandmother wanted you to be here in the one place she loved most. This farm was all Daisy. She’s here, in all of this farm. All around us. Her love and kindness is rooted into River Rock, and there was only one person she thought worthy of taking it over . . .” He hesitated and his eyes positively glowed. “ . . . You. You’re Daisy’s greatest gift, Emma.”

Tears welled again, and Emma did nothing to stop them, because she knew Shep would never let her crumble. And yet he wouldn’t let her hide either. Safe and comforted, she hid nothing. Not anymore. “She gave us this, Shep. A home. Our home.”

Her belly fluttered under the love in Shep’s smile. “And that was her greatest gift to me,” he said.

Emma saw her future in his eyes before she leaned in, pressing her lips against his. Warmth flooded over her like it had that first day he touched her. Though this time there was more than lust, there was love, and there was the promise of forever.


Seventeen days later . . .

With the Navy SEALs on their way through the vast forests of Colorado with nothing but their egos, adrenaline, and the Blackshaw team to keep them alive, Shep turned his truck into the driveway. The two-way radio resting in the cup holder was turned on, in case anyone needed to be pulled out of the training. While his ATV had fuel, and was waiting for him if needed, he was calling it a day. He often regretted that business took him away from going out with his team. Not today. He’d rather be with Emma.

When he turned off the main road into the driveway, moving closer to the farmhouse, he spotted Emma at the fence, watching the horses, who were out in the big grass field along with the other animals. Coming home to her every night after work had been as natural as getting to know her. Being with her felt right. Without her, nothing made sense anymore. He pulled his truck to a stop and she gave him a wave and a cute smile.

This place . . . she . . . was home.

Those thoughts followed him as he exited his truck, quickly moving in her direction. When he reached her, he pulled her in for a kiss that he hoped ignited her bones. Only when she melted beneath him did he release her, finding her a little breathless.

She grinned, her hands on his chest. “So, you missed me, I see?”

“Of course I missed you.” He gestured toward the horses out in the field. “How are they doing?”

Emma followed his gaze. “Oh, they’re doing great with everyone else, but I think Tadgh might be jealous. Bentley seems to love Fiona too.”

Shep laughed, draping his arm across her shoulder, studying Tadgh staring at Bentley and Fiona eating hay together. It only seemed right not to take Tadgh away from Bentley, but that meant Fiona needed to move in too. “We might have to bring another girl down from the ranch to even out the playing field,” he said.

Emma laughed. “I think you might be right.”

Before Shep could say more, he spotted Nash’s truck speeding down the driveway.

Emma’s long sigh drew his attention back to her, as she said, “He seriously cannot slow down, can he?”

Shep pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Nash doesn’t know how to be slow.” He caught her smile before he glanced at the truck as it pulled to a stop.

Chase jumped out of the passenger seat, holding up a black tube. “I’ve got the plans.”

“Oooh, this is exciting,” Emma said, eyes bright.

Shep agreed with a nod. “It is.” This was the day they’d been waiting for. Chase had taken over getting all the permits and drawing up the plans. This was his shot to show everyone in River Rock, and Colorado alike, what he could do, and he wasn’t wasting it.

Nash finally exited the truck, following Chase up to the house.

Emma went to stride forward. Shep grabbed her hand, pulling her in close. “This is happening all because of you. You know that, right?” The smile she gave had him tugging her closer, dropping his mouth to hers. He enjoyed himself probably more than he should right now.