When his orgasm hit, there was no stopping it. His head fell back, and he roared as his semen shot from his cock into her mouth in perfect pulses. He stayed that way, relishing her sweet lips, until the final drop of his seed landed on her tongue.

Slowly, he recovered and dropped his head. Then he saw her, the tension all but vibrating out of her. He withdrew his soft dick and grabbed the remote from the fireplace mantel. He flicked the vibe onto the highest speed, her eyes widened, and her lips parted with her scream of pleasure as her body shook with the force of her climax.

Seconds dragged on while she trembled, crashing over the waves of her pleasure.

The very moment she fell from the high, he turned off the vibe.

She leaned on one arm, her chest rising and falling quickly, her mouth parted as she sucked in gulps of air.

Shep smiled in pure masculine satisfaction. That was what he wanted right there.

Her undone.

Chapter 8

Early the next morning, Shep crawled out of bed at his usual wake-up time of a little before five thirty. By the time he showered and dressed, it was nearing six in the morning, and he set to making breakfast.

Just as he finished up with the scrambled eggs, Emma’s soft voice came from behind him. “You do realize it’s six o’clock in the morning, right?”

Shep glanced over his shoulder. “I’m an early riser.” Emma’s hair was ruffled, her eyes puffy. She looked cute, wearing only his T-shirt from the night before. She looked so cute, in fact, he closed the distance, getting a feel of those puffy lips for himself before he used the spatula to point at the chair at the kitchen table. “Take a seat. Coffee?”

“Please.” She rubbed her eyes, dropping down into the chair. “One sugar, a little milk.”

“I take it you’re not a morning person.” He scooped up some eggs, placing them onto her plate along with few pieces of bacon and toast, before setting the plate down in front of her.

She slowly dropped her hands and yawned. “I’m sorry to break it to you, but in my world, six o’clock is still nighttime. Haven’t you noticed it’s dark out?”

“I have noticed that, yes.” He laughed softly then set to fixing their coffees. Once done, he grabbed both mugs in one hand, along with his plate, and joined her at the table.

She hadn’t said a word since he sat down, and she still wasn’t talking by the time he took a final bite of eggs.

Once she cleared her plate, she finally looked up, her eyes a little brighter as she sipped her coffee.

“More awake now?” he asked.

She nodded, staring at him over her coffee mug. “Almost.”

“Good, go throw some clothes on. We’ve got somewhere to go before I drop you off at the farm.” He rose, cleaning up their plates off the table.

She stood, eyeing him carefully. “Where are we going?”

He began filling the dishwasher, then glanced at her. “If you’d go get ready, you’d find out.”

She took one more sip of her coffee, giving him a puzzled look. Without a further nudge, she got dressed quickly, returning to Shep by the time he’d turned on the dishwasher. He washed and dried his hands on the towel hanging off the stove, then grabbed his keys off the counter before taking his dark-green hoodie off the coatrack by the door. “Here, you’ll need this.” He pulled his thick navy-blue sweater over his head as she slid into the hoodie. “Ready?”

She nodded and smiled. “Ready.”

In no time he had them around the back of his house and into the three-car garage where he kept his all-terrain vehicle.

She eyed the ATV with raised eyebrows. “I take it we’re going somewhere on that?”

“You got it.” He slid his leg over the seat, settling into place, trying to hurry things along. The sun would rise any minute now. “Come on, darlin’.” He gestured behind him, patting the seat.

She gave him a wide smile, then joined him, wiggling her way closer until her arms were wrapped around him tight. He started the ATV then drove off down the trail behind his house. He kept his speed slow enough not to scare her, but fast enough that the ride would thrill her as the vehicle met any obstacle in its way effortlessly.

After they climbed over the hill, he yelled back at her, gesturing to his right, “Look.”

He couldn’t see her face, but he felt her arms around him loosen a little at the beauty laid out before her. The sky was warm with orange and pink hues as the sun rose above the mountains. As far as he was concerned, you weren’t truly living until you saw the beauty of a Colorado sunrise.