He summoned one of the sentries without, and told him to ask CaptainRooke to come to him. The latter had been ready for a call, and came atonce. When through the open flap of the tent we saw him coming,Rupert--as I must call him now, because Teuta wishes it; and I like to doit myself--said:

"I must be off to board the Turkish vessel before it comes inshore.Good-bye, sir, in case we do not meet again." He said the last few wordsin so low a voice that I only could hear them. Then he kissed his wife,and told her he expected to be back in time for breakfast, and was gone.He met Rooke--I am hardly accustomed to call him Captain as yet, though,indeed, he well deserves it--at the edge of the cordon of sentries, andthey went quickly together towards the port, where the yacht was lyingwith steam up.



_July_ 7, 1907.

When the Gospodar Rupert and Captain Rooke came within hailing distanceof the strange ship, the former hailed her, using one after another thelanguages of England, Germany, France, Russia, Turkey, Greece, Spain,Portugal, and another which I did not know; I think it must have beenAmerican. By this time the whole line of the bulwark was covered by arow of Turkish faces. When, in Turkish, the Gospodar asked for theCaptain, the latter came to the gangway, which had been opened, and stoodthere. His uniform was that of the Turkish navy--of that I am preparedto swear--but he made signs of not understanding what had been said;whereupon the Gospodar spoke again, but in French this time. I appendthe exact conversation which took place, none other joining in it. Itook down in shorthand the words of both as they were spoken:

THE GOSPODAR. "Are you the Captain of this ship?"


GOSPODAR. "To what nationality do you belong?"

CAPTAIN. "It matters not. I am Captain of this ship."

GOSPODAR. "I alluded to your ship. What national flag is she under?"

CAPTAIN (_throwing his eye over the top-hamper_). "I do not see that anyflag is flying."

GOSPODAR. "I take it that, as commander, you can allow me on board withmy two companions?"

CAPTAIN. "I can, upon proper request being made!"

GOSPODAR (_taking off his cap_). "I ask your courtesy, Captain. I amthe representative and accredited officer of the National Council of theLand of the Blue Mountains, in whose waters you now are; and on theiraccount I ask for a formal interview on urgent matters."

The Turk, who was, I am bound to say, in manner most courteous as yet,gave some command to his officers, whereupon the companion-ladders andstage were lowered and the gangway manned, as is usual for the receptionon a ship of war of an honoured guest.

CAPTAIN. "You are welcome, sir--you and your two companions--as yourequest."

The Gospodar bowed. Our companion-ladder was rigged on the instant, anda launch lowered. The Gospodar and Captain Rooke--taking me withthem--entered, and rowed to the warship, where we were all honourablyreceived. There were an immense number of men on board, soldiers as wellas seamen. It looked more like a warlike expedition than a fighting-shipin time of peace. As we stepped on the deck, the seamen and marines, whowere all armed as at drill, presented arms. The Gospodar went firsttowards the Captain, and Captain Rooke and I followed close behind him.The Gospodar spoke:

"I am Rupert Sent Leger, a subject of his Britannic Majesty, presentlyresiding at Vissarion, in the Land of the Blue Mountains. I am atpresent empowered to act for the National Council in all matters. Hereis my credential!" As he spoke he handed to the Captain a letter. Itwas written in five different languages--Balkan, Turkish, Greek, English,and French. The Captain read it carefully all through, forgetful for themoment that he had seemingly been unable to understand the Gospodar'squestion spoken in the Turkish tongue. Then he answered:

"I see the document is complete. May I ask on what subject you wish tosee me?"

GOSPODAR. "You are here in a ship of war in Blue Mountain waters, yetyou fly no flag of any nation. You have sent armed men ashore in yourboats, thus committing an act of war. The National Council of the Landof the Blue Mountains requires to know what nation you serve, and why theobligations of international law are thus broken."

The Captain seemed to wait for further speech, but the Gospodar remainedsilent; whereupon the former spoke.

CAPTAIN. "I am responsible to my own--chiefs. I refuse to answer yourquestion."

The Gospodar spoke at once in reply.

GOSPODAR. "Then, sir, you, as commander of a ship--and especially a shipof war--must know that in thus violating national and maritime laws you,and all on board this ship, are guilty of an act of piracy. This is noteven piracy on the high seas. You are not merely within territorialwaters, but you have invaded a national port. As you refuse to disclosethe nationality of your ship, I accept, as you seem to do, your status asthat of a pirate, and shall in due season act accordingly."

CAPTAIN (_with manifest hostility_). "I accept the responsibility of myown acts. Without admitting your contention, I tell you now thatwhatever action you take shall be at your own peril and that of yourNational Council. Moreover, I have reason to believe that my men whowere sent ashore on special service have been beleaguered in a towerwhich can be seen from the ship. Before dawn this morning firing washeard from that direction, from which I gather that attack was made onthem. They, being only a small party, may have been murdered. If suchbe so, I tell you that you and your miserable little nation, as you callit, shall pay such blood-money as you never thought of. I am responsiblefor this, and, by Allah! there shall be a great revenge. You have not inall your navy--if navy you have at all--power to cope with even one shiplike this, which is but one of many. My guns shall be trained on Ilsin,to which end I have come inshore. You and your companions have freeconduct back to port; such is due to the white flag which you fly.Fifteen minutes will bring you back whence you came. Go! And rememberthat whatever you may do amongst your mountain defiles, at sea you cannoteven defend yourselves."

GOSPODAR (_slowly and in a ringing voice_). "The Land of the BlueMountains has its own defences on sea and land. Its people know how todefend themselves."

CAPTAIN (_taking out his watch_). "It is now close on five bells. Atthe first stroke of six bells our guns shall open fire."

GOSPODAR (_calmly_). "It is my last duty to warn you, sir--and to warnall on this ship--that much may happen before even the first stroke ofsix bells. Be warned in time, and give over this piratical attack, thevery threat of which may be the cause of much bloodshed."

CAPTAIN (_violently_). "Do you dare to threaten me, and, moreover, myship's company? We are one, I tell you, in this ship; and the last manshall perish like the first ere this enterprise fail. Go!"