I found my way to Ellon and went on the train to Aberdeen, for I felt itdue to Adams that I should see him at once. It was impossible to writeall I had to say; and besides I wanted to retain his good will, and toarrange for securing his aid, if he would consent to do so under ouraltered conditions.

I found him in his room hard at work. He was writing something which Isuppose he considered important, for he put it carefully away and lockedhis despatch box before we began to talk. Of course it might have beenonly his diplomatic habit; but he seemed grave over it. I entered atonce on the matter between us, for I thought to get the disagreeableside over first and let concessions and alterations follow:

"I am sorry, Sam, I shall not be able to help you with informationregarding Miss Drake."

"Why? Haven't you heard from her?"

"It is not that; but I am not free to do what you wish." Adams looked atme for a long time. Then he said quietly:

"I see. You have your orders! Well, I am sorry for it; it may bringdreadful harm to her, and I daresay to you too, now. Say, old chap, isthat decision of yours final? The matter is more grave than I thoughtwhen I saw you last. We have had more information, and they are pressingus from Washington to take all precautions we can. Come, won't you helpme--help her?"

"I can't, the way you say. Sam Adams, you know I would do anything Icould for you; but in this matter I am pledged. I have been given asecret, and I must keep it honourably at all hazards. But look here, Iam anxious all the same. Can't you trust me a little bit and tell mewhat to look for. I won't give you away; and I may be able to carry outyour wishes as to helping to guard her, though I have to do it in my ownway." He smiled, though very bitterly and ironically. I was glad to seethe smile anyhow, for we were old and tried friends and I should notlike there to be any break between us. Besides I wanted his help; hisknowledge now, and his resources later on, if need should be. He was anofficial, and the matter was an official one though his heart was in it;it was not as if his personal feelings or his honour had been involved.

"Well," he said, "you have a fine gall anyhow! You refuse point blank togive me the slightest help, though I ask it on all grounds, official forAmerica, personal as I am in charge, and for the sake of your own girl;and then you expect me to tell you all I can. Well, look here, I'll tellyou anything that will help you as soon as I know it, if you will keepme advised of exactly where you are--so--so that I may be able to findyou if I wish."

I told him heartily that I would keep him posted as to my movements.Then, as there was nothing to remain for, I said good-bye--a good-bye, Iam glad to say, given and taken with our old heartiness. Before I went Isaid:

"Sam, you know how a message can find me if there is anything youshould think it well to tell me." To which he replied:

"All right, Archie, I'll

remember. You understand that as I shall haveto work this racket alone I must do it in my own way: otherwise we shallhave complications. But if there is anything I can do on your side, Ishall do it all the same. You know how to reach me. If you send forme I shall come any hour of the day or night. And say, old chap, I goheeled!" he pointed to his pistol pocket. "Let me advise you to do thesame just at present!"

I took his advice and bought in Aberdeen, before returning to Cruden,two of the finest revolvers I could get. One of them was made for alady; the other I always carried myself from that day forward.



Next morning after breakfast I wheeled over to Crom, bringing in mybicycle bag the revolver and ammunition for Marjory. I could not butfeel alarmed for her safety as I rode through the wood which surroundedthe house. It would need a regiment to guard one from a stray assassin.For myself I did not have any concern; but the conviction grew and grewon me to the point of agony that harm which I should be powerless toprevent might happen here to Marjory. When I was inside the house thefeeling was easier. Here, the place was to all intents and purposesfortified, for nothing short of cannon or dynamite could make anyimpression on it.

Marjory received my present very graciously; I could see from the waythat she handled the weapon that she had little to learn of its use. Isuppose the thought must have crossed her that I might think it strangeto find her so familiar with a lethal weapon, for she turned to me andsaid with that smoothness of tone which marks the end rather than thebeginning of a speech:

"Dad always wished me to know how to use a gun. I don't believe he wasever without one himself, even in his bed, from the time he was a smallboy. He used to say 'It never does any one any harm to be ready toget the drop first, in case of a scrap!' I have a little beauty in mydressing-case that he got made for me. I am doubly armed now."

I stayed to lunch, but went away immediately after as I was anxious tofind if Adams had sent me any message. Before going, I asked Marjoryto be especially careful not to be out alone in the woods round thehouse, for a few days at any rate. She demurred at first; but finallyagreed--'to please you' as she put it--not to go out at all till Ihad come again. I told her that as I was coming to breakfast the nextmorning if I might, it was not a very long time of imprisonment.

When I asked for telegrams at the post-office, which was in the hotel,I was told that a gentleman was waiting to see me in the coffee room. Iwent in at once and found Sam Adams reading an old newspaper. He startedup when he saw me and straightway began:

"I hurried over to tell you that we have had further news. Nothing verydefinite to-day; but the Washington people hope to have a lot of detailby to-morrow night. So be ready, old chap!" I thanked him, but even inthe act of doing so it struck me that he had taken a deal of trouble tocome over when he could have sent me a wire. I did not say so, however;doubts of an act of this kind can always wait.

Sam had tea with me, and then we smoked a cigar outside on the littleterrace before the hotel. There were some fishermen and workmen, asusual sitting on or leaning against the wall across the road, and threemen who were lounging about, evidently trippers waiting for their tea tobe served. When we came out and had passed them, the little group wentinto the coffee room. They were, all three, keen-looking, alert men, andI had a passing wonder what they were doing in Cruden as they had nogolf bags with them. Sam did not remain long but caught the six-tentrain back to Aberdeen.

I cannot say that my night was an easy one. Whilst I lay awake Iimagined new forms of danger to Marjory; and when I fell asleep Idreamt them. I was up early, and after a sharp ride on my bicycle cameto Crom in time for breakfast.

As we had a long forenoon, Marjory took me over the house. It was all ofsome interest, as it represented the life and needs of life in the laterdays of Queen Elizabeth in a part of the country where wars and feudshad to be prepared for. The Castle was arranged for siege, even to thewater supply; there was a well of immense depth situated in a deepdungeon under the angle of the castle which they called the Keep. Theydid not, however, ordinarily depend on this, as there was otherwise anexcellent water supply. In the dungeon were chains and manacles and someimplements of torture, all covered with the rust of centuries. We hopedthat they had not been used. Marjory consoled herself with the thoughtthat they had been placed there at the time of the building as part ofthe necessary furnishing of a mediaeval castle. One room, the library,was of great interest. It had not been built for the purpose, for therewas no provision of light; but it must have been adapted to this use notlong after the place was built. The woodwork of carved oak was earlyseventeenth century. I did not have time to look over the books, andthere was no catalogue; but from the few which I glanced at I could seethat whoever had gathered the library must have been a scholar and anenthusiast.

In the course of our survey of the castle, Marjory showed me the partswhich were barred up and the rooms which were locked. That such a thingshould be in a house in which she lived was a never-ending source ofcuriosity. There was a dozen times as much room as she could possiblywant; but here was something unknown and forbidden. She being a woman,it became a Tree of Knowledge and a Bluebeard's Chamber in one. She wasso eager about it that I asked if she could not get permission from theagent to go through the shut rooms and places so as to satisfy herself.She replied that she had already done so, the very day after she hadarrived, and had had an answer that the permission could not be givenwithout the consent of the owner; but that as he was shortly expectedin Scotland her request would be forwarded to him and his reply whenreceived would be at once communicated to her. Whilst we were talking ofthe subject a telegram to Mrs. Jack came from the agent, saying that theowner had arrived and was happy to give permission required and thatfurther he would be obliged if the tenant would graciously accord himpermission to go some day soon through the house which he had notseen for many years. A telegram was at once sent in Mrs. Jack's name,thanking him for the permission and saying that the owner would be mostwelcome to go through the house when he pleased.

As I was anxious to hear if there was any news from Adams I saidgood-bye at the door, and rode back on my bicycle. I had asked Marjoryto renew her promise of not going out alone for another day, and she hadacceded; 'only to please you,' she said this time.

I found a wire from Adams sent at six o'clock:

"Important news. Come here at once." I might catch the train if Ihurried, so jumped on my bicycle and got to the station just in time.

I found Adams in his room at the Palace Hotel, walking up and down likea caged panther. When I came in he rushed over to me and said eagerly ashe handed me a sheet of note paper:

"Read that; it is a translation of our cipher telegram. I thought youwould never come!" I took it with a sinking heart; any news that was sopressing could not be good, and bad must affect Marjory somehow. I readthe document over twice before I fully understood its meaning. It ran asfollows: