“I don’t have a moral issue with sex. I have an issue of Cox fucking interns in his office.”

There was an audible gasp from the other eight members of the board at Henry’s choice of words.

“It’s legal liability that this company can’t afford. It’s our job to protect the company and the brand.”

“I’m not sure Cox having sex will hurt the brand,” Joe Wallace said. “Again, this is a company built on sex.”

“He’s right about the legal risk,” Steve Callender said. “She could sue for sexual harassment or there could be a question of how she earned her grade.”

I ground my teeth together at that statement.

“I did not sleep with Sebastian for a good grade,” Leah’s voice carried loud and clear across the room. “You really think I’d prostitute myself for a grade, dad?”

I closed my eyes as the board realized that Henry’s daughter was the intern I’d been with. Until that moment, he’d just cursed me for sleeping with an intern. I was surprised he hadn’t said anything, but then I realized that by doing so, his actions would look like a personal vendetta.

“Leah, this is a private board meeting,” Henry said.

She glared at her father, then at me, and back to her father. “I don’t know why the men in my life think they can make decisions about me without me here.”

“This isn’t about you.”

“The hell it isn’t. What you decide today will impact me, so yes, it is about me.”

I stood. “Ladies and gentlemen, can I have a moment?”

“I say we vote,” Henry said.

“Henry, we haven’t heard Sebastian’s side,” Mari said.

Henry’s jaw clenched. “He hasn’t denied it.”

“If you could give me a minute, I do have a defense planned. I think I’ve earned the right to respond before you toss me from my own company.”

“Yes, of course,” Mari said.

I guided Leah out the door to the hall. “What are you doing here?”

“Why did I have to hear about this meeting from Niall?”

My jaw tensed. “I didn’t want to put more stress on you. Between your finals, the fight with your father, and the baby—”

“You’re not my father either, Sebastian. I might only be twenty three, but I’m not an idiot or a delicate flower. I don’t need your protection.” She motioned her finger between the two of us. “This is a fifty-fifty deal.”

“This is my fight, Leah.”

She studied me for a moment and then nodded. “That doesn’t mean I can’t be here to support you.”

I blew out a breath. “I didn’t want to put you in a position to take sides.”

Her blue eyes softened. “I appreciate you’re looking out for me, but this is my fight too. You said you’d fight for what you wanted and fuck ’em if they didn’t like it.”

My lips twitched upward. “I did.”

“Well, I’ve got big ass balls too Sebastian. I want to fight for what I want too.”

I cradled her cheek in my hand. “I don’t deserve you.”

“We’ll deal with that sentiment once this is done.” She hugged me. “I’ve missed you. Now, let’s go save your company.”

I held her for a moment, drawing strength from her conviction and feeling awe in her belief in me.

When we re-entered the board room, I gave Leah my seat. As fierce as she acted, I could see the toll the situation was taking. She looked pale and tired.

I stood next to her. “Thank you. If I may, I have prepared a statement.”

“By all means, let’s hear how you’ll justify having sex with an intern in your office,” Henry scoffed.

“Henry is right. I crossed the line. I knew I was putting my job and my friendship at risk, and I did it anyway. I don’t regret it. The only thing I regret is hurting Henry. The thing is, I don’t remember signing anything that said I had to sacrifice my happiness for this company. I love Leah. This isn’t a sordid affair as Henry seems to think it is.”

“What about the others?” Henry said. “How do we know there won’t be more?”

I stared at the man who’d been my friend. Who knew me well enough to know that I wasn’t the man my reputation indicated. “There haven’t been nor will there be others.”

“Oh please. Everyone knows your office is equipped to test your products.”

I inhaled a breath for strength. “Until Leah, the only other person I tested products within there was my deceased wife.”

I felt Leah’s hand on my thigh as I stood next to her. I patted her hand and then pulled my paperwork in front of me.

“Except for Henry, I imagine the rest of the board is more interested in protecting the company. I understand that having a relationship with an intern doesn’t look good in your eyes, but before you let me go, I should point out some business issues, since that should be a part of your consideration.”