My heart felt so fucking full that she was choosing me. “I love you so much Leah. I don’t deserve you.”

“No, you don’t!” Her father bellowed from the hall.

“You do, Sebastian. Someday I’ll make you see.”

I kissed her forehead because I didn’t want to upset Henry any further by kissing her lips. “I want you to come with me, but I think maybe you should stay. Talk to him.”

“I’m afraid to let you leave.”

“You can trust that I’ll never let you go. You’re my future. My happiness.”

“I’m calling security.”

“Dad knock it off,” Leah yelled at him. Then she turned to me. “It will be okay, Sebastian.”

I nodded and then walked out the door. I stood in the hallway wondering if I was making the right choice. Maybe I should take her with me. Or maybe I should stand my ground. But in the end, I left. I’d betrayed my friend, and it appeared that relationship was forever broken. I could only hope that the rift wouldn’t put extra strain on Leah.

Chapter 29


“I can’t believe you, dad.”

“Me?” His face was red with rage. “I can’t believe you let that man touch you, Leah.”

“Why?” I’d expected some anger, but this was beyond what I would have ever thought.

“Why? Are you kidding me? He’s too old for you—”

“Does Karen’s father think the same about you?”

“Don’t bring Karen into this, Leah.” His tone reminded me of when I was a kid getting in trouble.

“Why is it okay for you find love with a younger woman and not Sebastian?”

“What Sebastian has to offer isn’t love, Leah, and if you think so you’re doomed to heartache.”

I stared at the man I thought I knew so well. “So all those times you said you wished Sebastian would get over the loss of his wife and love again, you didn’t mean that.”


“No wonder he doesn’t feel worthy. His own best friend doesn’t think he deserves to be loved.”

“Don’t turn this on me.” He stalked to the bar and poured himself a drink. “I knew he engaged in reckless behavior, but I’d have never guessed he would seduce my own daughter.”

“He didn’t. I seduced him.”

My father glared at me. “Why, Leah? Jesus, there are plenty of other men out there.”

“I love him.”

“You don’t know love.”

Tears began to well in my eyes. “I’m your daughter, but I’m not a child. I know you’re hurt and feel betrayed. I think Sebastian feared that more than his board, but—”

“You can bet the board will be dealing with this.”

My anguish flashed into anger. “Don’t dad. Don’t you dare try to take his company away from him.”

“He brought it on himself. I warned him.”

“I’m not a legal risk to the company, dad. If you do this…”

“What Leah? You’re going to choose that vulgar bastard over your father?”

“You’re forgetting that I’m having his baby. He’s going to be in my life.”

“So, you are choosing him?”

I shook my head. “No, you’re making the choice, dad. I want you both in my life. But I have a baby to think about. It comes first. Sebastian loves me and our baby.”

He gulped down his glass and poured another. “He’ll let you down Leah. He’ll get what he wants from you and then toss you aside for another intern.”

“If you believe that, then you don’t really know him.” I decided I was wasting my time. I turned to leave.

“Where are you going?”

“To Sebastian’s.”

“Leah. You’re making a mistake.”

“No dad, you are.” I rushed out the door and toward the elevator.

“Leah.” Sebastian’s voice came from up the hall near my apartment entrance.

“Sebastian? You’re still here.”

“I didn’t want to leave in case you needed me. I’ve been waiting outside your place.” He came to stand in front of me, his dark eyes studying my face. “Being with me is hurting you.”

I shook my head. “Don’t Sebastian. This is on him. I’ll be really pissed if you start buying into his bullshit.”

“I betrayed him.”

“Yeah, well he’s betrayed you too. For all his praise of you, he apparently didn’t really believe it.”

“He’s not wrong about me. I do peddle in sex.”

“So what? People have been having sex since the beginning of time.”

“I hate this, Leah. I don’t want to come between you.”

I pressed a hand to Sebastian’s cheek. “You’re not coming between me and my dad, Sebastian. He’s made his choice. It’s on him.”

He nodded, but I could see that he wished he could do something to fix the situation. “Let me take you home.” He guided me toward my apartment.

“I thought we’d be going to your place.” An unsettled feeling began to take root. Was Sebastian having second thoughts?

“We’ve had a long day, and you need your rest.”

He wasn’t wrong about that. “Will you stay with me?”


We went to my place. As I unlocked the door, I realized Sebastian has never been to my place.