“We’ll do it together.” Her blue eyes shone at me with love, but also in uncertainty. I think I understood it because I felt it too. We were together, but what did that mean?
I knew what I wanted it to mean, but until I got things straight with Henry, I had to wait.
“Will you move in with me?” Just because I wasn’t going to propose right now, didn’t mean I wasn’t going to do everything in my power to keep her close. “Or we can get another place. A house if you want.”
Her smile was so bright, I felt like a superhero. “I like your place. It’s near the park.”
“It’s only two bedrooms. Do you need an office?”
She nodded.
“I guess you could use the second room until the baby comes. Or, I’ll find out if one of the three bedrooms will be opening up. Or maybe four.”
“Four?” Her eyes widened.
I smiled sheepishly. “In case we want more than one child.”
Her eyes welled with tears and she slipped out of her chair and came to sit on my lap. “You make me so happy, Sebastian. I didn’t know I could be this happy.”
“I didn’t know either, baby.”
Leah’s second interview on Monday went well. I’d stayed with her, calling in to the office to let them know I was out-of-town today. No doubt, Niall would tell everyone about my call to him early Saturday morning and the word would get out about my relationship with Leah. It was for that reason I knew I had to see Henry that night when we flew home after Leah’s interview. It would be late, but it had to be done.
“Maybe you should let me do it,” Leah said as we rode the elevator up to her father’s place.
I shook my head. “I owe it to him to tell him.”
She nodded. “Use those big ass balls.”
I kissed her head. “Yes. It’s time I earned them.”
“Leah, Sebastian… what are you doing here?” Henry was in his robe, although he didn’t look like we’d woken him up. I wondered if his friend Karen was there. Perhaps I should have waited until tomorrow, but I couldn’t risk him hearing this from anyone else.
“Hi dad. Sorry it’s late. We just got back.”
“I’m going to get Sebastian a drink. Scotch?”
I nodded. I hoped she brought the whole bottle.
“What’s going on?” Henry looked at me as Leah went to the bar.
“Can we sit and talk, Henry?” Jesus, I was nervous. I knew I had Leah’s love, but her father was important to her, and I didn’t want to put her in a position that would make her have to choose between us.
“Sure. Everything alright?”
“Yes. Everything is… really good.”
Leah handed me a drink and then sat on the arm of the chair I took a seat in. I appreciated that she was offering support.
“So, what’s up?” Henry looked from Leah back to me.
“The thing is Henry… I love Leah.” There. I said it.
“I know that.”
I frowned and looked to Leah. “I think he thinks you mean like a brother or something,” she murmured.
I cleared my throat. “What I mean is that I’m in love with her.”
I watched Henry’s face as understanding slid through it. It was followed by a glare. “She’s the woman you were having sex in your office with?”
Christ. I didn’t know people knew about that. I didn’t want to respond because it made my time with her seem sordid.
He bolted up. “The baby… you’re the father?” His voice was low, but there was a deadly menace to it.
“Get out!” His finger pointed to the door.
“This isn’t about you Leah.”
“Yeah, it is.” She stood.
“You’re my friend, for Christ’s sake. My best friend is sleeping with my daughter. What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I’m in love with her.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say.
“You’re practically old enough to be her father.”
“Dad, the age difference is about the same as you and Karen.”
Henry turned on Leah. “Karen isn’t my best friend’s daughter.” He whirled back to me. “Get out of my house. Out of my life and my daughter’s life.”
I shook my head, working to keep my cool. “I know you feel betrayed Henry.”
“You fucked my daughter!”
“I’ll leave, Henry, but I won’t stay away from Leah or our child. I love them.”
“You don’t know love. All you know is dirty nasty sex. I can’t believe you sullied my daughter with your perversion.”
“Knock it off Dad.” Leah stepped in front of her father. “I love him. He’s the father of your grandchild.”
“I want him out, Leah.”
I lifted my arms in surrender. “I’ll go.” As I reached the door, Leah caught up with me.
“I’m going with you.”
I held her arms. “Maybe you should stay. I don’t want to get in between you and your father.”
“My future is with you and our baby; I can’t abandon that.”