I rubbed my belly as I lay on my couch, reading an article my professor assigned us to read over the weekend. My life was the same as before, except I missed Sebastian and I was pregnant. My days were filled with getting up, going to school, studying, and living my life. I spent time with my father and Karen. And I felt utterly alone.

Several times during the week, I’d made the decision to go to Sebastian’s and tell him about the baby. But each time, I remembered how he’d been clear that business was his priority. What would he do if I told him I was pregnant? I wasn’t sure. A part of me thought he would do the right thing and say we should get married, but I didn’t want that. When I got married, it would be for love, not out of some feeling of duty or obligation.

He might ask me to place the baby for adoption. The fact that I didn’t know what he might do showed that I didn’t know him well enough. And it was a major factor in why I was keeping my secret. That and I didn’t want to cause him trouble with his board.

My conscious, however, told me it was wrong not to tell him. He had the right to know. He’d wanted a child once in the past, and maybe this would be the catalyst to make him see he could have a life beyond business.

But in the end, I was a coward. The tears came, as they’d done many times over the last week. I blamed baby hormones, but I suspected I’d be crying even if I wasn’t pregnant. My heart was broken, and it didn’t seem like it would ever heal.

A knock came on my door, and for a moment, I’d hoped it was Sebastian.

“Leah, honey.” My father’s voice came through the door.

“Come in.” I wiped my cheeks, hoping he couldn’t tell I’d been crying.

He frowned as he saw me, indicating I hadn’t done a good job hiding my emotions. “I’m worried about you, sweetheart. Something is wrong.”

Unable to hold back any longer, I let the tears come.

“Oh honey.” He sat on the edge of the couch and held me. He didn’t say anything, except that he loved me.

When my crying jag was done, he wiped my tears. “Will you tell me what’s wrong?”

Tired of being sad, scared, and alone, I told him the truth. Or at least part of the truth. “I’m pregnant.”

His brows shot up to his hairline. “I… ah… I didn’t realize you were seeing anyone.”

I nodded.

“Who is it?”

“It’s someone from school.” I hated lying, but I couldn’t let him know it was Sebastian. At least not until I told Sebastian whenever I got up the nerve.

“He doesn’t want the baby?”

I honestly didn’t know, but for now, I nodded. “I don’t need him. I’m going to have my degree and I’ll get a job.” The truth was, I had resources, so at least I didn’t have to worry about money. “I just… I had to tell someone.”

He nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? You know I love you unconditionally, right?”

I rested my head on his shoulder, needing my father. “I just… I don’t know.”

“I assumed you plan to keep the baby.”


“I’ll help you, Leah, you know that.”

“I know. I just… I was careful, or I thought I was.”

“Sometimes life throws us curve balls. I’m just sorry that the father isn’t involved. He has responsibilities, Leah. We have the financial resources, but that doesn’t mean he should be let off the hook.”

“I know. It’s all so new and I haven’t quite wrapped my brain around it.”

He pushed my hair from my brow. “Fortunately, you have nine months figure it out. And you have me and friends to help.”

“You can’t tell anyone, dad. Not even Karen or Sebastian.”

He frowned. “Okay.”

“I just need time to sort all this out and I don’t want people asking me about it.”

“Alright. For now, it will be our secret.” He looked at my school books. “You’re not over doing it, are you?”

“No. I finished my internship and am just studying.”

“How about eating? Are you taking care of yourself? You’re growing my grandchild.”

I smiled, and I realized it was the first time I’d smiled in a long time. “Yes.”

“You’re going to be okay, Leah. I promise.”

I threw my arms around him and held him tight. He was the best father ever. It made me sad that my baby might not have a father like that. But at least he or she would have the most fabulous grandfather.

My father had Lois make a dinner with lots of spinach telling me that iron was important for growing babies. Then he helped me with my homework, and I told him about the job interview.

“Los Angeles?” I could see he didn’t like that idea. “You know, you don’t have to work, Leah. Your trust alone could support you and a baby. And I’ll always be here to help you.”