I still had a couple of hours before I was to meet Henry for nine holes of golf. If it was difficult to face him yesterday, it was going to downright impossible now. What the hell had I been thinking to let myself indulge in Leah? I should have tossed her dress to her and tossed her out of my office that first day. In fact, I shouldn’t have agreed to let her intern for me. I’d been having wet dreams about her long before she showed up to intern.

This was my fault and because it was, I felt guilty for how I’d treated her. I’d been a vulgar asshole. A young twenty-three-year-old didn’t know about heartache like I did. Of course, she’d confuse sex with love. Especially considering the way I’d kissed her and let her stay the night.

I’d have to apologize and that meant being in proximity to her again. I was learning the hard way that I couldn’t trust myself around her. Truth be told, I didn’t want to trust myself. I wanted to have her again. That was the fucked up part. The more I had her, the more I wanted her. That was a sure sign that I needed to stop. But I was a man who liked to indulge his sexual fantasies, and I still had plenty left unrealized with Leah.

My dick started to thicken at the images filling my head. I thought about pulling out a toy, but then I remembered her comment about fake pussies. Instead, I ignored my hardon, deciding to focus on work to help me rid my mind of Leah and her tiny, taut sexy body. It wasn’t easy to do, and by the time I left my apartment to meet Henry, I knew that if she forgave me and agreed to a simple sexual affair, I’d have her again.

Chapter 16


When I rushed out of Sebastian’s apartment, I was both stunned and angry at how he’d talked to me. I was trying to make him see that he could have more, deserved more, and he’d thrown how good his wife was in bed at me.

By the time I entered my place, I felt guilty. He’d been right. I’d been judgmental, not so much of him, but of his wife. Why the hell would anyone cheat on a man like Sebastian? Why would be put up with it? It baffled my mind, but he was right that it wasn’t my place to judge. If they were happy with their arrangement, who was I to say differently?

Only, I wasn’t sure he was happy. Apparently he’d wanted kids at one time, but his wife had said no and made him think he wasn’t good enough to be a dad based on their business. I hated that she didn’t appreciate him, but again, if he was okay with it, I had no business getting in the middle of it.

I changed my clothes, cleaned my apartment, and then worked on my thesis. When my dad was back from golfing, I went and had dinner with him. Sebastian had said something about my father’s new girlfriend. Did he know something I didn’t? I suspected my father was smitten with the lady at the coffee shop that had suggested he eat more salmon, but were they dating? I thought about asking, but then worried it would give away that I’d been spending time with Sebastian on a personal level. My father didn’t say anything so maybe Sebastian was wrong about it.

The next day, I headed to my internship determined to find a way to apologize to Sebastian about his wife and marriage. Because the fierce anger in his eyes still haunted me, I decided to wait and see him later in the day. I’d keep my head down and do my work and hopefully have an opportunity at some point to apologize.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were avoiding me, Hammond.” Niall rested a hip on the side of the computer desk I was working at.

“I’ve got a lot going on. Graduation is only a few weeks away.” My interest in him, while minimal in the beginning, had waned greatly. Sebastian was right that I deserved someone who met my needs beyond getting laid. The only problem was, I still wanted Sebastian.

He stared at me for a moment and then shrugged. “You got that new social campaign ready?”


“The boss will want to see it later today. Maybe you can take it up to him when you’re done. He’s a little annoyed at me still.” He cocked his head. “It can’t be easy to work for a father figure.”

This time I decided not to correct him. “He’s just looking out for me.”

He nodded. “Let me know when you’re done. I’ll review then you can take it up to him.”