“Let me take care of this.” He walked through another door I took to be the bathroom.

I lay there, wanting to savor the moment longer, yet knowing he was likely going to make me leave like he had the last times. Yes, he’d kissed me. Yes, this time seemed a little different. But the fact that he hadn’t said much, told me he was still detached emotionally. He’d said as much when he told me he didn’t want trouble at work or with my father. I supposed it was a compliment that he was still unable to resist me.

He came out of the bathroom and stood by the bed. I turned to my side and took in his body. Since this could be the last time I saw him, I wanted to take in my fill. I raked my eyes over his strong, sculpted chest I knew he earned by running and rowing. His hips were lean, his legs strong, and even when not aroused, his dick was impressive.

“Keep looking at me like that, and you’ll wake him up.”

I smiled. “You have a sexy body, Sebastian.”

He smirked. “You hungry?”

I sighed, as I realized he wasn’t going to lay down with me. Perhaps lounging in bed was too intimate. “A little.”

He picked up his robe and handed to me. At least he wasn’t giving me my dress and kicking me out. Then he went to his closet and pulled out another robe. “Let’s get something to eat. I think you’re going to need it.”

That piqued my interest. “I am?” I put my arms through the sleeves of his robe, liking the soft feel of it on my skin, and scent of him.

“I’ve got more to teach you, if you want to learn.”

I nodded. There was no doubt I wanted him to touch me more. I only wished he viewed it differently. I didn’t want a teacher. I wanted him to touch me because he cared about me.

Chapter 13


Two things had become clear to me: One, I couldn’t resist her. I craved her like an addict craved his next hit. Two, right now, I was a man, and she was a woman. Not a boss to intern. Not a friend of her fathers. At least that was what I told myself when I decided to make the most of this Saturday night by consuming her luscious body.

I’d broken one of my rules; no kissing and a part of me believed it was a mistake, but it was hard to regret it because she tasted fucking delicious. Her mouth was warm, her tongue soft, just like the rest of her. I’d broken that rule, but I’d resisted the cuddling, even though she’d looked so warm and inviting in my bed.

I headed out to the kitchen with Leah following me. “Want some wine?”

“Sure.” She walked over to the large window in my living area. “This is a great window and view of the park.”

“I like it.” I poured her a glass of wine and brought it to her and then went into the kitchen to fix us a plate of cheese and fruit. As I worked, my conscious started to get the best of me but this time it didn’t have to do with my company or Henry. It had to do with hurting Leah. I was a selfish bastard by continuing to indulge my insatiable need for her. She deserved more than I’d ever be able to give her. She was a woman that should be worshiped and loved. I didn’t have it in me to be that man.

I carried the plate of food and my own glass of wine out into the living area and set it on the coffee table. I sat on the couch and watched her for a moment. She was so beautiful, and yet so much more. Valerie had stunning looks, but all her beauty was on the outside. Deep down she was just as selfish as I was. I supposed that was what made us a great team.

Leah, though, was so much more. Her beauty radiated from the inside out. She was sweet and kind, and I felt like a letch who would ultimately taint her goodness.

She turned to me and frowned. “You have that look again.”

“What look?”

“Like you’re about to throw me out for my own good.”

I should, but I was asshole enough to take what I could, at least for this one night. “I’m not going to throw you out, even though it would be for your own good.” I sighed. “Leah—”

“I know, Sebastian. You don’t want me to get attached. This is just sex.”

I hated how that sounded. Coming from her, it sounded like so much less than what it was, and yet that’s all it was. I couldn’t offer her more.

“Have some food.” I nodded toward the plate of cheese and fruit.