And surprisingly, that trust was easy to slip into. He was my warrior, mighty and masculine and heady with desire. All of that swirled around in my head, making me feel just as drunk as I had been when we had first hooked up.

And to be honest, I loved it. It consumed my senses, filling them up and making me fly higher and higher. I could spiral out of the sky and into space and I wouldn’t care one bit as long as he kept touching me.

Mickey seemed just as enthralled with me, his fingers gliding along the various curves and angles of my back, and then my shoulders, then my neck and finally my face. It was so… intimate, so reverent, almost like a prayer. But if was a prayer, then I was happy to be the alter at which he knelt.

“I can’t believe you’re here,” he whispered to me, as if he was afraid that if he talked too loudly that I might vanish. I gripped his arm with either hand, my fingertips digging in just enough for him to know that I was indeed there. He let out a heady, grateful sigh at that, and his hands slid down lower.

It felt like a sacred pilgrimage as they moved over me. Warm, almost burning but in the most delicious way, they glided over my sides until they reached my thighs, which he caressed carefully, thoroughly before returning back. Fingers slid up my front, digging ever so slightly into my soft belly, the dip between my ribs, until they finally cupped a breast.

I gasped and arched into it, breaking away from his kiss to suck in a draft of air. He didn’t seem to mind the pause in lip-contact however, and his attention turned to peppering kisses along my jaw and neck.

I melted into his action, feeling my bones turn to jelly. The only thing holding me up was my arms around his neck. Otherwise I might have melted right into the chair like soup. He was all I needed to anchor me though, I was content.

Except… it wasn’t really. The more he kissed me, the more he touched me, the more I needed…well…more. I wanted him to touch every single bit of me until he knew everything about me. I wanted him to pull pleasure out of me, to leave me raw and open and aching, all of my defenses crumbled in front of him.

“I want you,” I managed to gasp, tilting my head forward to lock lips once more.

“I can accommodate that,” he answered before returning my kiss with twice as much passion.

“I thought you said you weren’t going to sleep with me today.”

“I changed my mind,” he rumbled, claiming my lips again.

If my mouth wasn’t so occupied, I would have giggled salaciously. But as it were, it was quite occupied, and I didn’t plan on being free anytime soon.

Mickey had other plans though. While we were still pouring our passion into each other, his hands wrapped under my butt, and suddenly we were standing up.

This time I did laugh giddily and wrapped my legs around his waist. He was so tall! I wasn’t exactly pocket sized myself, but he was so much bigger than me. It wasn’t something I was exactly used to, and it had my body responding in ways I didn’t anticipate.

“How about I show you the bedroom?” he rumbled into my mouth, voice so low and sexy that I felt it make me grow that much wetter.

“Yes,” I answered emphatically. “Please, please.”

“Don’t worry, baby girl, I’ll give you what you need.”

God, he really was going to, wasn’t he?

The thought had me breathing hard, wanton, and then I was moving backwards. It was such a strange sensation to be a grown woman being carried somewhere, but it was also exactly what I needed. Mickey could manhandle me any which way he wanted. The control was in his hands. All I had to do was lay back and be. Just enjoy the pleasure for once without any plans or plots or responsibilities.

I could feel my adrenaline spike even more at the thought of it all, and by the time he was setting me on the bed, I was practically vibrating with urgent need.

His hands went to my waistband first, and he pulled away from our kiss once more. His lips were slightly puffy from our fervent kissing and wet from my tongue. He looked wrecked, consumed by his passion, which made me wonder what I looked like after everything that was affecting me.

“Will you let me take care of you, my good girl?”

The subtle praise made me ache. God, he was so thoughtful. So tender. And yet so obviously full of desire for me that I felt like my brain was cooking inside of my skull.