Something had changed in the week that we had shot together. I had gone from thinking of him as a good lay that got too complicated to… something else entirely.

Mickey’s thick, calloused hands found my hips and suddenly I was being shoved bodily backwards. I let out a yelp, my hands gripping the front seat and the back of the passenger’s bench to keep myself from losing my balance.

But the large man still held me steady with one hand, the other closing the door as he slid the rest of the way in. He was right, the car was actually big enough for him, which was saying something considering he was taller than six feet and built like a Mac truck.

He reached down between the seat and the door as if he was searching for something, before he apparently found it. He gave a small jerk, and the seat reclined ever so slightly, giving us even more room.

Now that was what I was talking about.

With the one hand that was already holding me steady, he reached over and pulled me into his lap where he yanked me down into a punishing kiss. I groaned into it, my body melting as he gave me everything I needed.

It was all heat and fire and demand. It wrested control away from me, which I was oh-so-happy to give. In every aspect of my life I was always leading the way, always in charge. It was nice to have him take the reins, his body to tell me what he wanted me to do.

Relief washed over me, a counterpoint to the fire burning in my middle. I could feel myself growing wet where I straddled him, but his grip kept me from rocking against his length like I so desperately wanted to.

We made out intensely for goodness knew how long, and when he finally pulled away, I was breathing hard.

“Damn,” I whispered to myself. I was never like this before. “What do you do to me?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” he said. “I’m into a lot of things, but I didn’t think exhibitionism was ever one of them.”

“There’s no one here,” I countered, dipping down towards his lips again but he evaded my kiss.

“Someone could be. At any moment.” The thought thrilled me in a way I didn’t expect, and my breath hitched. Of course, Mickey noticed it and he sat up a bit. “But I’m guessing you already thought of that.”

“I didn’t, actually,” I admitted, wanting to whine at why he wasn’t inside me already. I felt strung out, like a junkie that had gone far too long without her next fix. “But I am now.”

“Hmm, for some reason I don’t believe you.”

I slapped at his shoulder, clicking my tongue. “Come on now, don’t be difficult.”

“Difficult?” he countered, his eyes flashing with that same dominance that I’d seen several times before. “Oh, I can be difficult if that’s what you want, but this,” he eyes flashed and I felt a chill. “This isn’t even close to difficult.”

“Oh really?”


“Then why aren’t you kissing me?”

He leaned up for a moment and my view was so full of him that I could only stare. “Are you trying to tell me what to do, Amber?”

His voice was low, a delicious warning and it made goosebumps appear along my arm. I loved it. Maybe it was weird, but I could feel my body responding to the dominance in his voice.


He shrugged and leaned back, a smirk spreading across his features. “Then by all means, take charge.”

I blinked at him a moment, surprised by the turn in events. “Wait, what?”

“You pulled me into here, you started this. If you want to finish it, go ahead.”

I licked my lips uncertainly, my eyes traveling along his frame. The thought of telling such a large, powerful person what to do did make me feel a bit hazy in all the best ways. As much as I liked it when he just took over… maybe I wouldn’t mind leading?

“Touch me.” I said, looking at him with all the heat that I was feeling in my belly. Geez, he always made me run so hot. How had I never noticed him in high school? He was so ridiculously delicious and witty and just generally fun to be around. I felt like all my senses were screaming out for him, demanding to be satiated by his touch.

He placed one of his massive hands on my shoulder as if it were a dead fish, grinning wickedly at me. “Like this?”

I huffed, feeling caught like I was somewhere right in the middle between amused and annoyed by whatever game he was playing. My body was screaming to be filled by him already, all thick and heated just like I knew he would be. Every second we were apart and fully clothed was physically painful. Like the worst kind of torture. “You know what I mean.”