If I thought it was difficult to keep my face in a professional mask before, it was suddenly ten times harder. “Of course. Thank you. I’ll make sure to update my team.”

“Make sure you do. Oh, and get yourself to make up and wardrobe so they can make sure they have what they need for you.”

I gave him a quick salute and then practically ran off. But before I left the tent, I made sure to mouth a thank you to Mickey. I wasn’t sure if he knew it, but he might have just changed everything for me.

Wow. What a day. And to think, we still had the entire shoot left to go.


“Alright, and I want the Blue Team to charge on three! One… Two… Three!”

I took a deep breath and bolted forward; my sword raised. I let out a battle cry as I did, feeling it fuel me and everyone else around me.

It was exhilarating, rushing across the grass as if we were at war ourselves. It was easy to get lost in the narrative, get drunk on the adrenaline of it all. I was so into the scene that I was actually surprised when Mickey jumped down into frame with me, towering over me with an axe in each hand. I came up short a scant foot away, leaving us staring at each other like two leaders of rival factions.

Because, ya know, that’s what we were supposed to be.


I blinked in surprise, brought back to the real world by the director’s call. Oh right. The shoot. We were on the final day and we were filming all of the main chunks. It was crazy to think that we were doing a week’s worth of work for a minute regular commercial and a five-minute extended trailer at some gaming convention or another.

“Alright, can I have the choreographed extras position themselves? I want to do the close ups of the leads now, starting from the stare off.”

Oooh, the stare off. That was going to be interesting. It was one of the most charged part of the script and I was so darn excited for it. I’d played it over and over in my head even when I was just the choreographer. Now that I actually had the role? Well… it was a lot of pressure.

But that was alright, because sometimes pressure was good, and I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I would absolutely rock it.

There was a couple of minutes as everyone arranged themselves how we were supposed to be, with Mickey and I standing in the center of it all. There was a camera man with one of those crazy heavy-looking harnesses to steady the shot, and once more I was swamped with how crazy it was that I was in front of it as me, not a body double for one of the few plus sized actresses in Hollywood.


Mickey and I squared up to each other, both sure to stand on our marks. This part was really easy compared to the rest. We just stared each other down with all that inner strength and barely contained rage that our characters were supposed to have, then scream/snarl at each other before getting into our actual fight.

Yeah, that was definitely going to be the hard part.

“Alright, for this shot I want profiles of both leads!” the director called. One of the PAs quickly scribbled that on the clapperboard then stood in front of the camera. She repeated what the director said then lifted and dropped the top of the white and black square before scurrying off camera.

I took that as my cue and lifted my chin, staring right up into Mickey’s eyes. I tried to force myself to think of things like plundering his village, or raiding whatever McGuffin he had for gold, but instead my mind went to how it felt to be sitting in his lap, riding for my life as he brought me yet another orgasm.

Oh no. This was not the time for that.

I furrowed my brow and let my lips curl, bearing my teeth like the fearsome, Viking warrior I was being paid to portray. It helped that I could see the faintest wisps of blond hair escaping from the beautiful wig they’d put on me, but it wasn’t enough to get my mind out of the gutter.

It certainly didn’t help that Mickey’s massive, barreled chest was heaving like some sort of berserker. Or maybe I had the same sort of effect on him as he had on me? That would certainly be flattering, to say the least.

I felt myself flush deeper, body rushing hot at the man so close to me. I found myself leaning ever so slightly towards him, shoulders squared and daring him to try and take me, while his eyes never moved from me.