“Because I’m not,” I answered honestly. Sure, it probably wasn’t what he wanted to hear, but it was the truth. And even if I was frustrated at him for being around, I respected him enough to always tell him the truth. “I like to keep my personal life and my work life very separate, and having you here makes them very much not separate.”

His lips curled and he took another step towards me, bringing him right within my breathing space. His scent curled in my nose, amplified by the sweat trickling down his broad clavicle. He smelled of masculinity and musk and forest, the combination taking me right back to that night of passion that we had shared together.

Oh man, that wasn’t good. That wasn’t good at all.

“Amber, if I didn’t know better, I would say that you might have some control issues.”

At that I actually chuckled. “You’ve known me since I was a preteen. What about that is surprising at all?”

“Fair enough.” His hand came up, no doubt going to brush my hair out of my face, but a glint on one of his fingers caught my eye and I grabbed his wrist.

“Did you have to wear this here?” I asked, pointing to his band.

He frowned, and gently took his wrist from my grip. “Did you have to wear yours?”

“Yes, actually.” I snapped. “Because it’s so valuable from this massive rock that I was too nervous to let it out of my sight. In fact, why don’t you just take it now? It would be a load off my mind!”

I went to pluck the ring right off my finger only for Mickey’s broad hands to cover both of mine, stopping me. I looked up in his face and was surprised to see just how displeased he looked.

“Keep it.”

“Mickey,” I warned. “I already said that I’m not interested in-”

“No, not like that. Just consider it a gift. Or maybe even an apology, for putting you through all this hassle.”

“I…” I wanted to object, but with the way that he was looking at me, how could I? “Alright. Fine. It’s possibly the most inappropriate gift I’ve ever gotten, but I don’t feel like fighting about this right now.”

“That’s fine with me.” He dropped my hands and instantly they felt colder. “How about we just fight in general?”

“Huh?” I was confused by the turn in conversation until I noticed he was looking in the directions of the mat. Finally. Something I was more comfortable with. “I’m supposed to show you choreo with Amelia.”

“I’m not talking about our official choreography. Just asking if you want to spar a little.” I instantly frowned at the thought. Risking an injury to one of my leads because of superfluous activity right before a shoot was a patently terrible idea. Besides, it was pretty terribly unprofessional. But before I could even open my mouth to object, he was speaking again, his voice a low rumble that I felt all the way into my bones. “What’s the matter? You scared?”

Now that prickled up my spine. “Do you really think that that’ll work on me? Goading me with needles to my pride?”

He shrugged, walking backwards with a swagger that shouldn’t have been possible. “Not really. You’re too practical for that. You specialize in fake fighting; I do real fighting. It wouldn’t be a good idea.”

“Really? This is the way you want to go?”

“Why not?” He sent me the smarmiest smirk and I swore that my ovaries straight up throbbed. “It’s not like you’re gonna come over here and teach me a lesson.”

“You know what?” I asked, feeling my temper spike even though I knew that he was totally playing me. “Sometimes you do get what you wish for.”

I kicked off my shoes and closed in on him, going through some very simple stretches very quickly. I saw his eyes flash somewhere between a challenge and being absolutely delighted. I had to admit, that response made my own blood pound within my veins. It wasn’t very often that I got to spar for just the hell of it and the idea was more than a little exciting.

We circled each other for a moment, looking the other over, trying to absorb any weaknesses in form or stance that we could take advantage of. When dealing with a skilled opponent, it was rarely a good idea to attack first. So, we waited, moving counter to each other, until all of a sudden, we weren’t waiting at all.

Mickey raised his leg in a kick, but I slid under it, popping up behind him and aiming a jab right towards his kidneys. He rolled forward before I could land it, however, spinning on his knees to bring both of his arms up and block my knee that had been going towards his face.

I rechambered my leg as quickly as I could, lest he manage to get a grip on it and throw me, or worse pin me. Although I was strong, and I was experienced, I wasn’t arrogant enough to think that I would have an easy time getting out of Mickey’s hold if he got me into a good one. There was a slim chance, but the fact of the matter was that if I let him get both of his hands on me, the fight would be over.