He looked so handsome, and so earnest, I found myself smiling despite the pain starting to radiate from the balls of my feet. Certainly, it wouldn’t hurt to indulge just a little.

“I suppose I could do that. But I’m definitely going to need a drink because my feet are going to be very angry with me.”

He laughed again and it was such a good sound. Rich and rumbling. Masculine. It made me shiver a bit and I began to look at him in a bit of a new light. Maybe I’d been seeing him as a dorky high schooler for too long. I needed to wake up and see the delicious hunk of man in front of me.

Or maybe I should just enjoy the dance as what it was. Just some healthy, platonic contact between friends. After all, hadn’t I just reiterated to myself multiple times that I didn’t have time for relationships? I was barely handling my life as it were!

“I’d be more than happy to get one for you as soon as the song is over. It’ll be the least I can do.”

“Wow, if I knew it was this easy to get a drink, I would have danced with a lot more handsome guys.”

“Oh, so you think I’m handsome?” he said with a wink.

“Uh-huh. It’s a shame that pretty face of yours is probably going to get trashed.”

“Hey, have some faith in me as a fighter. I’ll have you know; I have a very good guard.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you do.” We both chuckled and it was honestly, just so nice. Sighing happily, I leaned into Mickey’s warm, solid form and just let myself be.

It was actually a pretty great feeling, even with my whole feet thing going on. If I just closed my eyes, it was easy to pretend that it was maybe something more than it could ever be.


I pressed my body up against Mickey’s hard form, desperately seeking his mouth like it was my last lifeline in the world. Because it certainly felt like it. Everything was so topsy, so turvy, that it was hard to tell what was up and what was down.

Or maybe that was because I was drunk

Maybe. Who knew? I didn’t.

What was happening again?

Oh right, I was kissing Mickey. And God, could he kiss.

Our mouths moved against each other, mine starting off demanding, pleading, but his quickly taking over and calling the shots. It was honestly so hot that I thought my skin might slide off right then and there. Speaking of which, it was really warm. Was I sweating? I was pretty sure. I just knew I wanted to get out of my clothes ASAP.

Mickey pulled away from me after thoroughly ravishing my lips and gave me such a roguish look that my knees would have buckled if I wasn’t holding onto him. “Are you certain about this? I don’t want to mis..mis…misinterpret anything.”

It was like… the eighth time he had asked me that, but I couldn’t really blame him. After all, he was about as tipsy as I was, and consent was sexy. Ongoing, enthusiastic consent. And I was definitely enthusiastic about getting on top of him.

“Touch me,” I practically whined, pressing into him further. I could feel through my skin that he was so strong, so powerful, and I just wanted to be crushed by him. He was better than all that expensive seafood that I had stuffed myself with and I just wanted more, more, more of him until I was sated.

Except I was never going to be sated.

As if he could hear my thoughts, he picked me up with one arm -one arm! – and hauled me to him. I happily wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling his thick length poking insistently at my underside.

Yes! Now that was what I was talking about. I returned to desperately kissing him, my tongue coming out to lick along the seam of his kiss-swollen lips. He groaned into my mouth and I let myself revel in the sound. I liked the thought of such a big and powerful man reacting so viscerally to my actions. It made me feel like some sort of sex kitten, unleashed to wreak havoc across the world.

Or just kiss him some more.

That second one seemed much more plausible, so I really gave it my all, letting myself revel in the heat and rising tension between us. I couldn’t believe that he was holding my considerable frame like it was nothing, manhandling me in the best way possible.

I could feel that he was fumbling around with something and I pulled away long enough to see that he was struggling to get his key card in the hotel door.

Oh right. We were in the wedding inn that was for the bridal party and guests. I didn’t even really remember getting there. We had finished dancing and then he’d gotten me the drink he promised, and I’d finished my food. We’d ended up laughing and talking and having a generally great time until the Macarena came on which of course we had to get up and dance to.