He didn’t leave me waiting long, and after a second to catch his breath, he started to move against me. His first thrust drove the air from my lungs, leaving me panting desperately as he withdrew. The second filled me with such a tension in my middle that I thought I might break in two. The third, oh goodness, the third had pleasure rolling through every single cell in my body until all I could do was repeat his name over and over again.

And the whole while, I could tell that he was looking at me with such affection, such protectiveness, that it made me feel that much more beautiful and desirable. It made my boundaries come down ever so slightly and I allowed myself to just be as he pounded into me without restraint.

“I’m… not going to last much longer,” he breathed, pausing for just a split second to wipe the sweat from his brow. “I’ve wanted this for so long. You feel so good, so tight.”

I had no idea how I could possibly be tight considering how thoroughly he had prepped me, but I believed him. And his words made my heart flutter, pleased that he was pleased. Happy that I could make him happy.

“I want to make you feel good too,” I rasped, unable to put everything I meant into words. Yes, I wanted to give him an orgasm as good as he gave me, but I wanted more than that. I wanted him to know that I really was going to try. I was going to make time for him in my life, let him into all my soft and squishy emotional bits that I didn’t allow anyone to see. “Please?”

I felt him throb within me at that revelation, and his fingers were once again on the move. Diving between us, they found that sensitive bud and gently skimmed his fingers over it before working it in a tight circle.

That was apparently just what I needed, because my orgasm crashed over my head and everything white out. Good old number four. It was far too many, far too heady, and I could feel my body telling me that it was the last it was going to do until it got a break. But the warning was still delicious. Heaven filled me, making my toes curl, my back arch, and my mind took a total vacation.

I had never known bliss so wonderful, and I let it swallow me whole without any fight. When I did finally slowly float back down to earth, I was covered in sweat and panting like I had just run a marathon.

“That… was amazing.” Mickey breathed, collapsing next to me.

“It was, wasn’t it?” I managed to get out between my greedy gulps of air.

His arms wrapped around me and he pulled me to my side, where I snuggled like I belonged. Which I felt I did. Nuzzling into his chest, I let myself drift off.


Life had certainly become so much more interesting since I started officially dating Mickey. I still messed up plenty, and had difficulty being open with him, but most of it was just…so… nice.

Two months had passed, not really that much time, and yet so much had happened. First thing, we threw out the annulment papers. Maybe it was impulsive, but I didn’t mind doing it as a sign of trust. In fact, it was actually my idea and Micky asked me to think about it for a good week before doing so.

I had yet to regret it, and to be completely honest, the weight of the ring on my finger became a sort of balm for me, something to fiddle with and ground me when life got too stressful or I was starting to feel overwhelmed.

Or if Mickey was in a particularly vicious fight.

That part certainly hadn’t gotten any easier. Watching him take a hit made my gut clench up and my stomach sour, but I knew it was part of his job. I endured it, and afterwards I was always there to make sure his every want and need was taken care of.

There was a give and a take in our relationship. I could tell that he liked protecting me, providing for me, so I let him take me out to fancy dinners and give me as many presents or orgasms when he wanted. I let myself be weak, needy, and in return he let me fuss over him whenever he took too much of a beating. We were finding the perfect balance still, but it was nice.

So nice.

Except for the past two weeks, when I slowly began to need him more and more. It had started with a twenty-four-hour bug that had me puking and sleeping for all of that Saturday -which of course had the giant man spoiling and cuddling me while making sure I stayed as hydrated and comfortable as I could considering the situation.