I nodded, heart in my throat and completely high off the experience. Mickey gave an affirmative grunt and then we were going right back to our original positions to start again.

* * *

By the time we officially wrapped, my entire body ached, but at the same time I was absolutely pumped. I felt elated in a way I hadn’t in ages, drunk on our success and how happy everyone seemed with how smoothly the second half had gone.

Oh yeah, people were definitely going to hear about my company’s work. I could see it floating in my mind’s eye even as I tried not to get too ahead of myself. But it was hard considering all the good vibes and congratulations everyone was pouring on me. I felt like I was floating during the entire take down of my company’s tent and rounding up all the last-minute stuff.

But when it came time to leave, I found that I wasn’t ready to go. Not by a long shot. I felt like something was unfinished, despite the shot list being completed and all the equipment being put away. I stood there a moment, watching as my workers pulled off in our two vans full of our stuff, and tried to think of where the feeling of malcontent was coming from.

Chewing my lip, I wandered to the parking area that the assistants had roped off, hoping to find what I was looking for. I knew it was stupid, especially considering how frosty I had been towards him. After some serious scanning, I couldn’t see Mickey anywhere and I let out a long, long sigh.

“You sound far too sad for someone who just absolutely killed it.”

My heart spiked and I turned around to see Mickey standing there, looking all fresh faced and exhausted. I had killed it? He was the one who really made a part with almost no lines absolutely his. I had been largely enraptured by his acting and watching him work for about nine hours straight had made me realize that I knew so little of the man he had grown to be. How sad. We’d once been so familiar with each other and I’d let all that fade away.

“What are you still doing here?” I asked. “I thought you left.”

“It took them a while to get the glue from my beard off. Apparently, I’ve got some sensitive skin on my face.”

It was only then that I noticed the pink tint to his jaw following along his normal stubble line. That did look a bit tender, and I was glad that I didn’t have to have one.

“Wow, so you actually have a weakness?” I teased, wandering closer to him.

He laughed at that; a gentle chuckle that seemed quite subdued compared to all the yelling that we’d done at each other over the past few days. “Several, actually.”

“What? I don’t believe it.”

“Give me time, you’ll find out soon enough.”

“Is that so?”


We shared another chuckle and I found myself feeling the contentment I had been missing earlier. I didn’t know what that was about, or what I was supposed to do with the warmth curling through me. The conversation stilled for a moment, and I found myself looking up into his eyes yet again.

“Hey, you want to go to dinner? My treat.”

I blinked, surprised at the offer. Then again, what was so surprising about it? Mickey was a nice guy, and generous, and we were two leads who just wrapped up a very successful day together.

“You know what?” I answered. “I think I could use a bite.”


I strode into the restaurant, feeling pretty elated and pumped from filming. It’d been one hell of a day and I almost couldn’t believe it.

After I nearly ripped that stupid producer’s head off, things seemed to change a bit between Amber and I, almost like I had re-earned her trust after bungling our first night together so much. And while we didn’t sleep together for the rest of the shoot, that didn’t mean I didn’t think about it.

A lot.

I went to bed every night hard as hell, having to take care of myself with my own hand while I thought about her over and over again. There were so many things I still wanted to do to her, positions I wanted to get her into, noises I wanted to coax out of her. After all, I hadn’t even gotten her to sit on my face yet, for all that I enjoyed tasting her.

My lower half stirred at the thought and I mentally told it to calm down. We were just going to dinner as colleagues. I was sincerely happy for her and I had a lingering hope that the role would open a lot of doors for her.

And she deserved it. She was so hard working, so disciplined. Watching her work was somewhere between erotic and awe inspiring and I was still pretty jazzed that I had had a front row view to that for an entire week.