The slow walk toward the aisle felt like it lasted forever and I couldn’t take my eyes off of Spencer the entire time. When I finally reached the altar, I turned to face him and my cheeks hurt because I couldn’t stop smiling.

“Dearly beloved,” the officiant began to call loudly to the crowd as the music came to a stop. “We are gathered here on this beautiful evening to join this man and this woman in matrimony.”

Just hearing those words made my heart race. I couldn’t believe that it was really happening. I was finally getting married to the man of my dreams and I was the luckiest girl on earth.

“I do believe the couple have written their own vows. Spencer, if you would like to start?” the officiant stated.

Spencer nodded and took both my hands in his. “Rylee, words cannot describe how lucky I am to have you in my life. You are the brightest star I have ever known and I thank fate everyday for bringing you back to me. I can’t wait to start our lives together and I promise, I am going to make you the happiest woman on the planet, no matter what it takes. I love you, Rylee.”

The words made my eyes water and I finally felt a stray tear cascade down my cheek.

“And now, for the bride,” the officiant said.

I cleared my throat and took another deep breath before I started. “Spencer, I cannot describe how much you have changed me. Without you, I would not have my wonderful son, I would not have the life I live now, and most of all, I wouldn’t have the incredible love we share between us. I have always given you every single part of me, whether I wanted to admit it or not. I gave you my heart, my body, and my soul. Now, with our marriage, I give you this promise that I will never leave you and that I will always try my hardest to make you happy. I love you, Spencer, with all my heart.”

The two of us gripped each other’s hands tighter and we smiled at each other. The officiant called for the rings from Jayden and we both slipped them onto each other’s fingers. By the time we were down, Spencer didn’t wait to be told to kiss the bride, instead, he had my veil up over my head and was kissing me with more passion than I’d ever thought he would in public. His hands gripped my waist and pulled me close, holding my body tightly.

In his arms, I always felt so safe and warm. Now, I’d never know what it was like to go without his embrace and I couldn’t have been happier.

The crowd cheered and clapped around us and I couldn’t believe it was all over and done with already! We were officially Mr. and Mrs. Reid!

Now that the ceremony was finished, we invited only our closest friends and family back to a small, intimate reception at our new house nearby. We only put up a few decorations, but Spencer ensured we hired our own DJ for the music. When the very first song came on, Spencer grabbed my waist tight.

“Come on, Mrs. Reid. It’s time for our first dance,” he whispered in my ear before dragging me out onto the dancefloor.

I’d never been much of a dancer, but Spencer moved with enough elegance and grace for the two of us. I felt like I was being twirled around on cloud nine with how happy I felt in that moment and I wished it could have lasted forever, but I had one last surprise up my sleeve for Spencer. Something I knew he was not expecting.

As soon as our dance finished, I pulled Spencer into a corner where the two of us huddled close and kissed like horny teenagers, both high on the knowledge that we belonged to each other forever now. My hands ran through his hair and I pulled away to smile.

“I think it’s only fitting that we’ve come back to Hawaii where you surprised me with your proposal, Spencer,” I began, biting my lip and practically vibrating with excitement about what I was going to say. “Because I have my own surprise for you.”

Instantly, Spencer’s whole body froze and he looked down at me shocked. One of his eyebrows cocked and he looked me up and down. “What do you mean, Rylee? What surprise?”

I waited another few seconds, attempting to leave him in suspense, but I was practically bursting with my desire to tell him the news. “I’m pregnant!” I squealed.

The look on Spencer’s face was priceless. His mouth dropped open like a fish before it quickly changed into a huge, beaming smile. “That’s amazing news!” he cried in happiness before he pulled me close and kissed me hard. When he pulled away, he let out a whoop of excitement.