Epilogue – Rylee

Three Months Later

The sun was just setting over the horizon in front of me as the ocean breeze tousled my hair, making strands of blonde fly in front of my face. As I looked out over the tropical beach, I could see great palm trees sprouting out of the verdant shrubbery and casting long shadows over the white, blemish-free sand of the coast. The turquoise water was rippling against the sand and I could hear a few gulls calling loudly as they flew up above me and I glanced up to watch their spirited flight across the azure sky.

I was happy to once again be back on the island that I considered to be paradise. Hawaii had changed everything for me and it was all for the better. My life had changed so much in the last few months and today, it was going to change even more. Being back in the place where everything had happened was only fitting for my wedding day.

My hand reached up and adjusted my veil, making sure it was still securely attached to my hair. Around my legs, the soft material of my white wedding dress flowing and flittering in the breeze. In my hands, I was clutching a bouquet made of my favorite flowers—the same ones Spencer had got me on the night of our engagement. I smiled a little secret smile to myself as I acknowledged how lucky I was to find myself in such an amazing place in life.

Just a few months ago, I had been a grocery store clerk with barely two pennies to rub together. I was still living in my mother’s house with a son I could hardly afford to raise and feeling still hung up on a guy I knew I could never have. Oh, how wrong I had been!

Before I could lose myself in thought anymore, I heard the familiar music of the Wedding March begin and I took a deep, calming breath before turning on my heels and clutching my flowers even tighter in my hands. Dahlia stood beside me looking radiant as ever in her salmon pink bridesmaid dress and her calming presence caused me to relax.

“Are you ready to become Mrs. Reid?” she asked me in a whisper with an excited smile.

“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life,” I told her and clasped her hand tight in mine. “Thank you, Dahlia, for everything.”

My best friend looked as though she might cry then. She held on even tighter to my hand and nodded her head. “Today is going to be the happiest day of your life, Rylee,” she told me. “Spencer going to make an amazing father and an even better husband. You chose well, okay? There’s nothing to worry about.”

I nodded. “You’re right. I think I’m more nervous about standing in front of so many people.”

Dahlia laughed. “Well, that might be a bit of a problem. Spencer has a lot of friends.”

I chuckled too. “Okay, I think it’s time for you to go.”

Dahlia turned and her auburn hair sparkled in the low light. One of Spencer’s friends had come up to walk her down the aisle and she happily took his arm before walking toward away from the canopy where we had been stood and down toward the altar.

Jayden had already headed down the aisle in front of her. He had insisted on walking by himself despite having to carry the rings. When I peaked out from behind the canopy, I could see him clutching the little white pillow tight and walking slowly to avoid falling over. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him in a little tux. He was the most handsome little man I’d ever seen and I vowed to come up with more ways to get him dressed up like that.

As I looked out over the friends and family who were already seated, I could see my mom sitting right at the front next to Spencer’s friend Sam who had actually started dating my mom not long after we returned home. They both looked tremendously happy and I couldn’t have been more pleased for either of them.

One of the attendants indicated that it was my time and I took a deep, calming breath before I pulled my veil down over my face and then stepped out into the view of the crowd. The sunlight was still shining a little over the horizon and the gentle rays of light it exuded were awfully romantic. I couldn’t imagine a better time to get married.

I took my first step and looked in the direction I had avoided looking before: to the groom. Spencer stood there looking absolutely gorgeous in an expensive Giorgio Armani tuxedo and grinning over in my direction. His eyes were filled with so much love as he gazed at me that I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed. I could feel tears of joy pricking at my own eyes and I began to worry I might ruin my make up, but I did my best to hold it all in.