Over the last few weeks, I’d seen how hard she worked and being a mother must cause a lot of extra strain. I wanted to make sure she had plenty of time to relax in future and I was determined to be there to make sure it happened.

“Wow, it’s bigger than I imagined!” Robin exclaimed as she entered the cabin of the jet. Her hands caressed the leather of the seats before she popped herself down in an aisle seat. “Rylee! Come sit with me, you can have the window!”

Rylee rolled her eyes but joined her mother and took a peek outside. Despite her quiet, surly demeanor, I noticed the smallest upturn of her lips and I knew somewhere deep inside she was happy about going away. I wanted to make sure that smile came out in full force before the vacation was over.

“How about I give you a tour of the plane, buddy?” I asked Jayden as he stood wide-eyed and staring around the cabin.

“Mommy? Can I?” he asked as he made little puppy dog eyes toward his mother.

“Of course, baby, but don’t go too far,” she replied.

“We won’t,” I promised before heading down the length of the plane. “Back here is the toilet, if you need to go during the flight,” I told him and pointed at the door. “But the most exciting part is at the front of the plane. Do you know what a pilot does, Jayden?”

Jayden stood still for a moment as he thought about his answer. “Nope,” he replied, popping the ‘p’.

“Well, Jayden, the pilot is the one who flies the plane! Do you want to meet him?”

The child began to nod his head up and down faster than I’d ever seen before. I smiled and took his tiny little hand to walk him back up the aisle toward the cockpit. I pushed open the door and smiled at the pilot inside who was getting the plane ready for take-off.

“Good morning, how’s it looking?” I asked, curious.

“Clear skies and no sign of trouble,” the pilot replied, casting a glance over his shoulder. “We should get to Hawaii as planned in approximately six hours.” He caught sight of Jayden. “Hey, little fella. How are you doing?”

“Good, good,” Jayden replied as he swung his body from side to side. “Can I fly plane?”

Both the pilot and I laughed. “Not today, big guy,” I told him. “Maybe one day when you’re big and strong.”

“Aww, okay,” Jayden replied with a pout.

“Come along now, let’s get you sat down. Did you want to sit by the window so you can see what we’re flying over?” I kneeled down next to him and smiled.

“Yes! I wanna see! I wanna see!” Jayden cried happily before racing away down toward the cabin again.

“Thanks again,” I said to the pilot and gave him a slight salute before following Jayden. The two of us sat opposite Rylee and Robin. I gave Jayden the window seat as promised and away we went.

During take-off, Jayden got a little scared and nervous, but once we were settled in the sky, he soon cheered up and began pointing out the window at the clouds he could see and the buildings we passed on the ground below. I could feel myself falling more and more in love with him with every second that passed. The way he was always looking for answers about how things worked and how he tried so hard to figure out the world around him reminded me of me. I wondered if he might grow up to be an inventor one day. The thought warmed my soul and my cheeks hurt from smiling.

I could see that Rylee was watching us, but she was trying not to be obvious about it. I understood why she was worried, but I was glad she didn’t interfere. Meanwhile, Robin was helping herself to another cocktail courtesy of the stewardess who brought up plenty of food and drink throughout the journey.

“I guess I may as well enjoy my permanent vacation!” Robin called as she sipped on her daquiri. “Thank you, Archie!”

Rylee and I both laughed and joined her for a drink to toast her newfound unemployment. It wasn’t long before Jayden fell asleep in his chair and I leaned across the space between myself and Rylee in order to talk and not disturb the young boy.

“Have you thought anymore about the lawsuit, Robin?” I asked in a hushed whisper.

She nodded and sipped her drink. “I have, but I still feel a little undecided,” she answered with a sigh. “What do you think I should do, Spencer?”

I rubbed my chin with my fingers and thought for a moment before responding. “Hmm, if it was me, I’d sue the hell out of that vile, old, lecherous man,” I admitted. “Besides, it would be a kind of poetic justice for a reputable lawyer to be hit with a lawsuit that could ruin his entire business.”