Page 59 of Sons of Fortune

“In normal circumstances, the state would not hesitate to call for the death penalty for such a horrendous crime, but we do not feel it is appropriate on this occasion. It is, nevertheless, your duty to send a clear message to any person who believes they can get away with murder. Such a crime may be lightly regarded in some other states, but we don’t need one of those to be Connecticut. Do we want to be known as the state that condones murder?”

The attorney general lowered his voice almost to a whisper, and looked straight at the jury. “When you indulge yourself in a moment of sympathy for Mrs. Kirsten, and indeed you should, if only because you are caring human beings, place that on one side of the scales called justice. On the other side, place the facts—the cold-blooded murder of a forty-two-year-old man who would still be alive today if it were not for the premeditated crime cunningly executed by that evil woman.” He turned and pointed directly at the defendant. “The state has no hesitation in asking you to find Mrs. Kirsten guilty, and sentence her according to the law.” Mr. Stamp returned to his place, the suggestion of a smile on his his face.

“Mr. Davenport,” said the judge, “I intend to break for lunch. When we return, you may begin your summing up.”

“You look very pleased with yourself,” said Tom as they settled down for breakfast in the kitchen.

“It was an unforgettable evening.”

“From that I assume consummation took place?”

“No, you cannot assume anything of the sort,” said Nat. “But I can tell you that I held her hand.”

“You did what?”

“I held her hand,” Nat repeated.

“That won’t do your reputation any good.”

“I’m rather hoping it will ruin my reputation,” said Nat as he poured some milk over his Wheaties. “And how about you?” he asked.

“If you are referring to my sex life, it is currently nonexistent, though not through lack of offers, one even persistent. But I’m just not interested.” Nat stared across at his friend and raised an eyebrow. “Rebecca Thornton has made it all too obvious that she’s available.”

“But I thought…”

“That she was back with Elliot?”


“Possibly, but whenever I see her, she prefers to talk about you—in very flattering terms, I might add, though I’m told she tells a different story whenever she’s with Elliot.”

“If that’s the case,” said Nat, “why do you think she’s bothering to chase you?”

Tom pushed aside his empty bowl and began to concentrate on the two boiled eggs in front of him. He cracked the shell and looked at the yolk before he continued. “If it’s known that you’re an only child and your father is worth millions, most women view you in a completely different light. So I never can be sure if it’s me, or my money they’re interested in. Just be thankful that you don’t suffer from the same problem.”

“You’ll know when it’s the right person,” said Nat.

“Will I? I wonder. You’re one of the few people who’s never shown the slightest interest in my wealth, and you’re almost the only person I know who always insists on paying his own way. You’d be surprised by how many people assume I’ll pick up the tab just because I can afford it. I despise such people, which means that my circle of friends ends up being very small.”

“My latest friend is very small,” said Nat, hoping to snap Tom out of his morose mood, “and I know you’ll like her.”

“The ‘I held her hand’ girl?”

“Yes, Su Ling—she’s about five foot four, and now that thin is fashionable, she’ll be the most sought-after woman on the campus.”

“Su Ling?” said Tom.

“You know her?” asked Nat.

“No, but my father tells me that she’s taken over the new computer lab that his company funded, and the tutors have virtually stopped bothering to try and teach her.”

“She never mentioned anything about computers to me last night,” said Nat.

“Well, you’d better move quickly, because Dad also mentioned that MIT and Harvard are both trying to tempt her away from UConn, so be warned, there’s a big brain on top of that little body.”

“And I’ve made a complete fool of myself again,” said Nat, “because I even teased her about her English, when she’s obviously mastered a new language that everyone wants to know about. By the way, is that why you wanted to see me?” asked Nat.

“No, I had no idea you were dating a genius.”