Page 51 of Sons of Fortune

“No,” she said, “I know you only by reputation.” She jogged off in the direction of the women’s locker room without offering any further explanation.

“Stand up, those who managed to find all five cases.”

Fletcher and Jimmy rose triumphantly, an emotion that deflated when they discovered at least seventy percent of the class were also on their feet. “Four?” said the professor, trying not to sound too disdainful. Most of those remaining rose, leaving around ten percent still seated. Fletcher could only wonder how many of them would complete the course. “Sit down,” he said. “Let us begin with Maxwell River Gas versus Pennstone; what change in the law came about because of that particular case?” He pointed to a student in the third row.

“In 1932 it became the company’s responsibility to ensure that all equipment complied with safety regulations, and all employees understood any emergency procedure.” The professor moved his finger on.

“Any written instructions had to be posted where every employee could read them.”

“When did that become redundant?”

The finger moved again, another voice, “Reynolds versus McDermond Timber.”

“Correct.” The finger moved again. “And why?”

“Reynolds lost three fingers when cutting a log, but his defense counsel was able to show he couldn’t read, and had not been given any verbal instruction on how to operate the machine.”

“What was the basis of the new law?” The finger moved again.

“The Industry Act, 1934, when it became an employer’s responsibility to instruct all staff, verbally and in writing, how to use any equipment.”

“When did that need further amendments?” Someone else was


“Rush versus the government.”

“Correct, but why did the government still win the case despite being in the wrong?”

Yet another selection. “I don’t know, sir.” The finger moved scornfully on, in search of someone who did.

“The government was able to defend its position when it was shown that Rush had signed an agreement stating…” The finger moved.

“…that he’d received full instructions as demanded by law.” The finger moved again.

“That he had also been in their employ beyond the statutory three-year period.” The finger continued moving…

“…but the government went on to prove they were not a company in the strict meaning of the word, as the bill had been badly drafted by the politicians.”

“Don’t blame the politicians,” said Abrahams. “Lawyers draft legislation, so they must take the responsibility. The politicians were not culpable on this occasion, so once the courts accepted that the government was not subject to its own legislation, who caused the law to be changed yet again?” He pointed the finger at another terrified face. “Demetri versus Demetri” came the reply.

“How did this differ from past laws?” The finger came to rest on Fletcher.

“It was the first time that one member of a family sued another for negligence while they were still married, as well as being fifty-fifty shareholders in the company concerned.”

“Why did that action fail?” he continued to stare at Fletcher.

“Because Mrs. Demetri refused to give evidence against her husband.”

The finger moved on to Jimmy. “Why did she refuse?” demanded Abrahams.

“Because she was stupid.”

“Why was she stupid?” demanded the professor again.

“Because her husband probably made love to her, or hit her, the night before or possibly even both, so she caved in.” A little laughter broke out.

“Were you present to witness the lovemaking, Mr. Gates, or the attack on her?” asked Abrahams, to even more laughter.