Page 102 of Sons of Fortune

“It’s only the beginning,” he explained as he poured the champagne, “I still have my eye on Morgan’s.”

“And how much is that going to cost you?” asked Su Lin


“Around three hundred million at today’s prices, but by the time I’m ready to make a bid, it could be over a billion.”

“I can’t think in those sort of sums,” said Julia, “it’s way out of my league.”

“Now that’s not true, Julia,” said Tom. “Don’t forget I’ve studied your company’s accounts, and unlike Bennett’s, you’ve made a profit for the past five years.”

“Yes, but only just over a million,” said Julia, giving him that smile again.

“Excuse me,” said Su Ling, “while I check on dinner.”

Nat smiled at his wife and then glanced at Tom’s guest. He already had the feeling that Julia just might make it to a second date. “What do you do, Julia?” asked Nat.

“What do you think I do?” was thrown back with the same flirtatious smile.

“I’d say you were a model, possibly an actress.”

“Not bad. I used to be a model when I was younger, but for the past six years I’ve been involved in real estate.”

Su Ling reappeared. “If you’d like to come through, dinner is just about ready.”

“Real estate,” said Nat as he accompanied his guest into the dining room, “I would never have guessed.”

“But it’s true,” said Tom. “And Julia wants us to handle her account. There’s a site she’s looking at in Hartford, and she will be depositing five hundred thousand dollars with the bank, in case she needs to move quickly.”

“Why did you select us?” asked Nat, as his wife placed a bowl of lobster bisque in front of her.

“Because my late husband dealt with Mr. Russell over the Robinson Mall site. Although we were the underbidders on that occasion and failed to secure the deal, Mr. Russell didn’t charge us,” said Julia. “Not even a fee.”

“That sounds like my father,” said Tom.

“So my late husband said that if we were ever to look at anything else in this area, we should only bank with Russell’s.”

“Things have changed since then,” said Nat, “Mr. Russell has retired and…”

“But his son is still there, as chairman.”

“And he has me breathing down his neck to make sure people like you are charged when we give them a professional service. Though you’ll be interested to know that the mall has been a great success, showing an excellent return for its investors. So what brings you to Hartford?”

“I read that there are plans to build a second mall on the other side of the city.”

“That’s right. The council is putting the land up for sale with a development permit.”

“What sort of figure are they looking for?” asked Julia as she sipped her soup.

“Around three million is the word on the street, but I think it’s likely to end up nearer three point three to three point five after the success of the Robinson’s site.”

“Three point five is our upper limit,” said Julia. “My company is by nature cautious, and in any case, there’s always another deal around the corner.”

“Perhaps we could interest you in some of the other properties we represent,” said Nat.

“No, thank you,” said Julia. “My firm specializes in malls, and one of the many things my husband taught me was never to stray away from your field of expertise.”

“Wise man, your late husband.”