Page 92 of Sweet Treat

“My gosh, yes. I’ll marry you, Brett,” she whispered.

Everyone clapped softly in the background as she scooped Aiden from my shoulder. She cradled him against her breast, and it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen in my life. Mother and son, linked as one as he began to wake up. I watched him nuzzle against her bosom. I watched her pull out her breast so he could start eating. My eyes ran over the two of them, watching her body do the most amazing things that mine would never be able to do.

Then, I plucked the ring from its box and slid it onto her finger.

I brought her hand to my lips to kiss. I gazed into her eyes as our son fed off her body. When he was done, I slid my arms underneath Olivia’s and helped her to her feet, then slowly eased her into the living room. I got her settled on the couch and reached out for the glass of water Daniel had gotten for me to give to her. I held it up to her lips and she drank, gulping it down as her mother sat down beside her. She smiled at me, reaching her hand out and cupping my cheek, like only a mother could.

“Welcome to the family, Brett,” she said to me, smiling.

And now, my life was complete.

***The End***