Harry bowed his head and said, very quietly, “Yes, I am.”

For the first time, all three judges showed an emotion—surprise. The chairman couldn’t hide her relief, unintentionally revealing what her masters had clearly always wanted.

“Then you may approach the dais,” she said.

Harry stood up and walked over to the three judges. He was shown two copies of the confession, one in Russian and the other in English, both of which he read carefully.

“You will now read your confession to the court.”

Harry read the Russian version first, which brought a smile to the lips of the comrade chairman. He then picked up the English version and started to recite it. From the blank stares he received he wondered if anyone in that courtroom understood a word of English. He decided to take a risk, change the occasional word, and see how they reacted.

“I, Harry Clifton, a citizen of the United Kingdom, and President of PEN, have involuntarily and with coercion, signed this confusion. I have spent the past three years with Anatoly Babakov, who has made it clear to me that he did work in the Kremlin, and met Comrade Chairman Stalin on several occasions, including when he was awarded his degree. Babakov also admitted that the book he wrote about Comrade Stalin was fact, and not a figment of his imagination.

“I shall continue to demand Babakov’s release from prison, now that I am aware of the lengths this court went to, in order to deceive the public with this fraud. I am most grateful to the court for its lethargy on this occasion, and for allowing me to return to my own country.”

The chairman handed him a pen and he was just about to sign both copies when he decided to take a second risk.

* * *

“Members of the jury,” said Mrs. Justice Lane. “It now falls to me to sum up what has been a complex case. Some facts are not in dispute. Mrs. Clifton does not deny that when addressing a packed annual general meeting of her family company, she made the following reply to a question from Lady Virginia Fenwick, and later had it recorded in the minutes of the meeting: If it was your intention to bring the company down, Lady Virginia, then … you have failed, and failed lamentably, because you were defeated by decent ordinary people who want this company to be a success.

“The defendant, Mrs. Clifton, has testified that she believes her words were justified, while the plaintiff, Lady Virginia, claims they are libelous. Whether they are or not is what this trial is about, and the final decision is yours.

“Your biggest challenge, may I suggest, is to make a judgement about the two women involved in this case. You have seen them both in the witness box, and I suspect you will have formed your own opinion as to which you consider the more credible. Do not allow yourselves to be influenced by the fact that Mrs. Clifton is the chairman of a public company, and therefore should be given some leeway when answering a question from someone she considers hostile. What you must decide is whether she libeled Lady Virginia, or did not.

“Equally, you should not be overawed by the fact that Lady Virginia is the daughter of an earl. You must treat her no differently than you would your next-door neighbor.

“When you retire to the jury room to consider your verdict, take your time. I am in no hurry. And do not fo

rget that the decision you are about to make will affect both of these women for the rest of their lives.

“But first, you must select a foreman, who will act as chairman. When you’ve reached your verdict, please tell the jury bailiff that you wish to come back into court so that I can inform all those directly and indirectly involved in this case to return to hear your decision. I shall now ask the jury bailiff to escort you to the jury room, so you can begin your deliberations.”

A tall, elegantly dressed man with a military bearing and wearing what looked like a schoolmaster’s gown stepped forward, and led the seven men and five women of the jury out of the courtroom. Moments later, the judge rose from her place, bowed to the court and returned to her chambers.

“What did you make of the summing up?” asked Emma.

“Measured and fair,” Mr. Trelford assured her. “You have nothing to complain about.”

“And how long do you think it will take them to reach a decision?” Giles asked.

“It’s impossible to predict. If they are all in agreement, which I think is highly unlikely, no more than a couple of hours. If they are divided, it could be a couple of days.”

“Can I read the letter Major Fisher sent to you?” asked Sebastian innocently.

“No, you cannot, Mr. Clifton,” said Trelford, pushing the envelope further down into his inside pocket, “and nor can anyone else, unless and until Mrs. Justice Lane allows me to reveal its contents. I cannot, and will not, go against the express wishes of the judge. Good try, though,” he said, grinning at Seb.

* * *

“How long are we expected to hang about?” asked Virginia, who was sitting with her counsel on the other side of the courtroom.

“I’ve no idea,” said Sir Edward. “If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say a day, possibly two.”

“And why did Major Fisher address his last letter to Trelford and not to you?”

“That I haven’t been able to work out. But I confess I’m puzzled why Trelford didn’t press the judge more strongly to be allowed to read the letter to the jury, if it was at all likely to benefit his client.”

“Perhaps he was bluffing?”