“Sounds tempting,” she said, “but it’s raining, so we’ll need a taxi.”

“Leave it to me,” he said, giving her a warm smile. Sebastian almost ran out of the bar, and straight into the pouring rain. It took him some time to find a taxi, and when he eventually flagged one down he could only hope she didn’t live too far away, because he was down to loose change. He spotted her standing behind the glass door and gave her a wave.

“Where to, guv?”

“Can’t be sure, don’t know where the lady lives,” said Sebastian, giving the cabbie a wink. He turned to see Amy running toward the cab, and quickly opened the back door so she wouldn’t get soaked. She slid into the seat, and he was just about to join her when a voice behind him said, “Thank you, Clifton. Good of you to find my wife a taxi in this dreadful weather.

“See you tomorrow,” added the professor as he pulled the cab door closed.


“GOOD MORNING, MR. Morita. What a pleasure to meet you,” said Cedric, giving a smart nod.

“And it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Hardcastle,” he ventured, returning the compliment. “May I introduce my managing director, Mr. Ueyama?” He in turn stepped forward and bowed respectfully. Cedric nodded again. “And my private secretary, Mr. Ono,” who bowed even lower, but, once again, Cedric only gave a curt nod.

“Please have a seat, Mr. Morita,” said Cedric, and then waited for his guest to sit down before he took his place behind his desk. “I hope you had a pleasant flight?”

“Yes, thank you. I was able to catch a few hours’ sleep between Hong Kong and London, and it was most considerate of you to send a car and your personal assistant to meet us at the airport.”

“My pleasure. And is your hotel comfortable?”

“Very satisfactory, thank you, and most convenient for the City.”

“I’m delighted to hear that. So, shall we get down to business?”

“No, no, no!” said Sebastian, jumping up. “No Japanese gentleman would consider discussing business until he has been offered tea. In Tokyo, the tea ceremony would be conducted by a geisha and can last for thirty minutes or more, depending on how senior you are. Of course, he may turn the offer down, but he will still expect you to make it.”

“I forgot,” said Cedric. “A foolish mistake and I won’t make it on the day. Thank heavens you’ll be there to rescue me if I do.”

“But I won’t be able to,” said Sebastian. “I’ll be sitting at the back of the room with Mr. Ono. We’ll be making notes of your conversation, and neither of us would ever consider interrupting our masters.”

“So when am I allowed to talk to him about business?”

“Not until Mr. Morita has taken the first sip of his second cup of tea.”

“But during the pre-business chat, should I mention my wife and family?”

“Not unless he raises the subject first. He’s been married to Yoshiko for eleven years, and she occasionally accompanies him on his trips abroad.”

“Do they have any children?”

“He has three young children: two sons, Hideo, aged six, and Masao, four, and a daughter, Naoko, who’s only two.”

“Am I allowed to tell him that my son is a barrister and has recently become a QC?”

“Only if he raises the subject of his own children first, which is most unlikely.”


“I understand,” said Cedric. “Or at least I think I do. Do you think the chairmen of the other banks will be taking this much trouble?”

“They’d better be, if they want the contract as much as you do.”

“I’m very grateful, Seb. So how’s your Japanese coming along?”

“It was going well until I made a complete fool of myself and tried to pick up the professor’s wife.”

Cedric couldn’t stop laughing when Sebastian gave him a blow-by-blow account of what had happened the previous evening. “Soaked, you say?”