“Let me begin by saying how grateful we all are at the Yard for the information you supplied. I think I can say without exaggeration that you have been responsible for uncovering one of the most active terrorist cells in this country. In fact, it’s hard to quantify just how many lives you may have been responsible for saving.”

“I did no more than what I considered to be my duty,” said Arnold.

“You did far more, believe me,” said the commander. “Because of the information you supplied, Mr. Pennyworthy, we’ve been able to arrest fifteen terrorist suspects, one of whom, the man who rented the flat on your corridor, was undoubtedly the cell chief. At a house in Birmingham, which he led us to, we discovered explosive devices, bomb-making equipment, and detailed plans of buildings, along with the names of high-profile individuals the group planned to target, including a member of the royal family. Frankly, Mr. Pennyworthy, you contacted us just in time.”

Arnold beamed as the commander continued, “I only wish we could make your contribution public, but you will understand the restrictions we’re under in such cases, not least when it comes to your own safety.”

“Yes, of course,” said Arnold, trying not to sound disappointed.

“But when you read the press reports of the case next week, you can take some satisfaction from knowing the role you played in bringing this group of violent criminals to justice.”

“Couldn’t agree more, sir,” chipped in the sergeant.

Arnold didn’t know what to say.

“I won’t keep you any longer, Mr. Pennyworthy,” said the commander. “I wouldn’t want you to be late for the theater. But be assured that the Yard will remain in your debt, and my door will always be open.”

Arnold bowed his head and tried to look suitably humble.

The commander shook hands with Arnold and thanked him once again, before Sergeant Roberts escorted him out of the room. “And may I add my personal thanks, Mr. Pennyworthy,” Roberts said as they walked down the corridor, “because on the first of the month, I’m to be promoted to Inspector.”

“Many congratulations,” said Arnold. “Well deserved, I feel sure.”

Arnold walked out of the building and made his way down Whitehall. He held his head high as he strolled past Downing Street, wondering how much he could tell his sister about the meeting that had just taken place. He checked his watch and decided to hail another taxi. After all, it was a special day.

“Where to, guv?” asked the taxi driver.

“The Palladium,” said Arnold as he climbed into the back seat.

Arnold thought about his meeting with the commander as the taxi made its slow progress into the West End. He played the conversation over and over again in his mind as if he was pressing the repeat button on a tape recorder. The cab came to a halt on Great Marlborough Street, a police cordon preventing them from going any further.

“What’s the problem?” Arnold asked the driver.

“There must be a member of the royal family or some foreign head of state going to the show tonight. I’m afraid you’ll have to walk the last hundred yards.”

“Not a problem,” said Arnold, handing over a ten-pound note and not waiting for any change.

He made his way past the large crowd of people pressing against the safety barriers hoping to discover who was causing so much interest. When he reached the theater entrance, his ticket was carefully checked before he was allowed to enter the foyer. He walked up the wide red-carpeted steps and looked round for his sister. A few moments later he spo

tted a program being waved energetically. Janet was never late for anything.

Arnold gave his sister a kiss on both cheeks, wished her a happy birthday, and asked her if she’d like a glass of champagne before the curtain went up.

“Certainly not,” said Janet. “Let’s go and find our seats. A member of the royal family is expected in tonight, and I want to see who it is.”

“Please take your seats,” said a voice over the tannoy. “The performance will begin in five minutes.”

“I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks,” said Janet as an usher tore their tickets in half and said, “Halfway down on the left-hand side.”

“What wonderful seats, Arnold,” said Janet when they reached row G.

“Well, you’re not forty every day,” said Arnold, giving her arm a squeeze.

“I wish,” she said as they made their way to the center of the row, trying not to tread on anyone’s toes but causing several people to have to stand.

“I thought we’d go to Cipriani afterward,” said Arnold once they’d settled down.

“Isn’t that a bit extravagant?” said Janet.