Chapter 4

Who is this man?

1. Jesus and his disciples left the Synagogue and went to the home of Simon.

2. When they arrived, they were told that Simon’s mother-in-law was sick with a fever. Simon’s family were fearful for her life, and advised him and his friends to leave quickly, as they too might catch the disease and possibly die.

3. Jesus showed no such fear, and asked to be taken to the sick woman.

4. Jesus stood by the woman’s bedside, leant down and took her gently by the hand.

5. Simon, the other disciples and the rest of the household could not hide their surprise. They also began asking among themselves: Who is this man? Jesus appears to be a man of God, and has shown he has power over demons, but he has touched the hand of a woman who is not his wife, which is a public breach of Jewish traditions of purity.


6. Jesus knelt by the woman’s side and whispered in her ear. Even as he spoke, her fever was calmed and they were all amazed.

7. Jesus stood up, and quietly asked the woman to rise, which she did immediately.


Mark 1:29–31;

Matt 8:14–15;

Luke 4:38–39

8. Later, full of joy, the family sat down with Jesus and broke bread.

9. After resting, Jesus and his disciples left Simon’s home and set out for the village of Nazareth, a journey that would take them several hours.

10. When they reached the foothills that led into the village, they heard the sound of a bell, warning them that a leper must be near at hand. The disciples, fearful for their health and religious purity, held back, while Jesus continued to walk towards the sound of the bell.

11. As Jesus rounded the next bend, he came face to face with the leper. The sick man fell on his knees and cried out: If you wish, you can make me clean.

12. Jesus smiled, stretched out his hands and continued walking towards the man saying, I do wish. Be clean.

Mark 1:40–42;

Matt 8:2–3;

Luke 5:12–13

13. The disciples stepped forward cautiously and watched in disbelief as the leprosy deserted the man, and they were all amazed: Jesus

not only drives out demons, but can heal all manner of sickness.


Mark 1:34; 39;

Matt 4:23; 9:35

14. They repeated among themselves: Who is this man?

15. Some of his new followers remained uncertain, because Jesus had openly flouted the purity laws of Israel: he had touched a woman and healed her, and taken a leper by the hand and made him clean.

16. Could it be that this man, who brought hope and healing to the afflicted, was the long-awaited Messiah? Were they therefore the chosen ones who would accompany him on the journey to Jerusalem, where the Davidic throne would be restored?