32. After a few more steps, Jesus collapsed on the ground and one of the guards forced a man called Simon, who had come from Cyrenia to visit the city, to carry his cross.

Mark 15:21;

Matt 27:32;

Luke 23:26

33. The women remained by his side as Jesus continued on his slow, humiliating progress to a site named Golgotha – meaning the place of the skull – where they nailed him to a cross.

34. But before the cross could be raised in its place, a soldier, carrying out the orders of Pilate, attached the superscription: The King of the Jews.

Mark 15:26;

Matt 27:37;

John 19:19

35. At the same time, two other crosses were raised on either side of him, and Judas recalled that the scripture had foretold: And he was numbered with the transgressors.


Isaiah 53:12

36. One of the prisoners hanging by his side shouted: If you are the Messiah, save yourself and us at the same time.

37. But the other prisoner remonstrated with him and said: We are guilty of our offences, while he did nothing wrong, and turning to Jesus, pleaded: Remember me when you return as King.

38. Jesus said to him: Today you will be with me in paradise.

Luke 23:39–43

39. Judas watched as the soldiers stationed at the foot of the cross played dice, before they divided Jesus’ garments into four parts so that the promise of David’s song might be fulfilled.


Psalm 22:18

40. Jesus said: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

41. Judas watched as the Elders and the Scribes continued to torment Jesus: He saved others, now let him save himself.

42. They said: Let us see the Messiah come down from the cross that we might believe in him.

43. Another said: Are you not the same man who was going to tear down the Temple and then build it up again in three days?

44. And darkness fell upon the earth, and the curtain that hung in the Temple was torn from top to bottom.

45. Judas fell on his knees. He prayed that the Master might be spared any more suffering and allowed to die quickly.

46. But it was not until the ninth hour that Jesus cried out: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

47. A centurion, who was stationed at the foot of the cross, looked up at Jesus and said: Truly

, this man was the Son of God.

48. Judas remained on his knees praying, until the cross was finally lowered.

49. Now there stood by the cross Jesus’ loyal women followers.