1. Jesus and his disciples met together in the upper room to which Peter and Andrew had been led so they might celebrate the Passover feast.

2. When they sat down for supper, the disciples began to whisper among themselves.

3. They were anxious after what had taken pl

ace at the Temple that morning, and even feared that the Master’s mood might suddenly change once again.

4. They admitted one to the other that they no longer knew what would come to pass, either for Jesus or themselves.

5. When Jesus eventually raised his hands and spoke, they were all taken by surprise by his words: One of you here present, who eats with me tonight, will betray me.


Mark 14:17–21;

Matt 26:20–25;

Luke 22:14, 21–23

6. Each of them in turn insisted that it could not be him.

7. Judas knew that he was innocent of such an accusation, as his only purpose was to save Jesus from an unnecessary death.

8. Peter was the most vehement in his denial. He protested that it could not be him, for he would be willing to lay down his life for Jesus before he would betray him.

9. Jesus looked at Peter sadly and said: I tell you that even this night, before the cock crows twice, you will deny me three times.

Mark 14:30;

Matt 26:34;

Luke 22:34

10. Peter responded with even more passion: I would die with you before that could take place.


Mark 14:31;

Matt 26:35

11. Jesus closed his eyes and began to perform the ceremony of the Passover, marked by the symbolic raising of bitter herbs, bread, wine and other symbols, to relive the story of how the Exodus unfolds.


12. The disciples recognized that this re-enactment of the Exodus was no mere gesture, as all Jews believe that God is present at the Passover table.

13. However, when Jesus opened his eyes and raised the unleavened bread, he did not, as the disciples expected, refer to the gift of manna given during the Exodus.

14. When he spoke, they were greeted with unfamiliar words: Take, eat, this is my body, given for you, do this in remembrance of me.

15. Each disciple took of the bread and ate it.

16. Jesus then raised the cup of wine without mentioning the historic moment when God parted the Red Sea, but instead proclaimed: This is my blood, which is shed for many. Do this in remembrance of me.


Cor I 11:24–25;