Matt 28:11–15

8. However, they were losing their authority with the people, and could do nothing about those Jews who were forsaking the faith of their ancestors to join a new sect, which believed that Jesus had risen from the dead.

9. Peter had become the leader of these converts and was claiming that the spirit of God had been given to this small group in Jerusalem.


Acts 2:2–13

10. Judas could not accept that Jesus had risen from the dead, and he parted company with Peter.

11. He held on to John the Baptist’s belief that Jesus was a holy man, even a prophet, who followed in the tradition of Jeremiah, Isaiah and Ezekiel.

12. But Judas no longer accepted that Jesus was the chosen one, destined to rescue the Jews from their oppressors.

13. Judas continued to believe that YHWH was their god, and Israel the chosen people.

14. Had not Moses prophesied, Cursed is anyone who hangs from a tree?

Deut 21:23

15. Because of all that had taken place, Judas was now a marked man, with no friends to protect him.

16. Whenever he showed his face in the Synagogue, the Elders rejected him, as they did not wish to be reminded who had led them to Jesus.

17. Shunned by the Jewish leaders and abandoned by the followers of Jesus, after thirty days Judas departed from the Holy City and set out on the long journey to Khirbet Qumran.

18. There he joined the community of Essenes, who lived in a fortress on the shores of the Salt Sea and were committed to spending the rest of their days in the solitude of the desert.

19. Although the Essenes detested the Romans, they despised the Sadducees with equal passion.

20. They considered the Sadducees had forfeited their moral authority to be the chosen leaders of Israel by colluding with the pagans to ensure that they remained in office and retained their vested privileges.

21. The Essenes also disapproved of the Pharisees, who they believed were no longer interpreting the fine traditions of Israel.

22. In contrast, the Essenes devoted their lives to re-enacting the desert experience of the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt.

23. They awaited the coming of the Messiah, who would surely vanquish all God’s enemies before ascending the throne on that great and terrible day when the kingdom of Israel would be restored to the Jewish people.

24. Although Judas devoted the rest of his life to working with the Essenes, not a day passed when he did not fall on his knees and mourn the death of Jesus.

Chapter 25

The sins of the father

1. I had not seen my father since I was a child of eight years, when he left for Jerusalem as a trusted disciple of Jesus of Nazareth.

2. I would never have discovered his fate had not a wandering preacher who was passing through Kerioth told me that he had come across my father while visiting Khirbet Qumran.

3. Within days, and with the blessing of my family, I left to make the long journey across the Judean desert to the Salt Sea, so that I might be reunited with my father.

4. The Essenes reluctantly allowed me to enter their gates, but not before I had been able to convince them that I was the first born of Judas Iscariot.

5. When I first saw my father I did not recognize him, for he had grown old and did not know me.

6. Once Abba had accepted that I was his son, he warned me that I could only stay for a month and a day, unless I was willing to enrol with the Essenes, and spend the rest of my life in the solitude of the desert preparing for the coming of the Messiah.
