Luke 23:21;

John 19:6

6. The Scribes and the Pharisees mingled among the crowd, coaxing Luke them to demand: Crucify him, crucify him.

7. Judas remained powerless as he searched among the crowd for a familiar face, hoping to find a disciple who would join him, and counter, ‘Save him, save him.’ But his was a lone voice, overwhelmed by the brutal cries of the masses.

8. The roar grew louder as Pilate led Jesus out on to the balcony.


John 19:5

9. Jesus was clothed in a purple robe and wearing a crown of thorns.

10. Pilate said: Behold the King of the Jews in whom I can find no fault.


Luke 23:4


11. The crowd responded with raucous chants of: Crucify him, crucify him, and so loud became the clamour that Pilate retreated into the safety of the Antonia fortress.

12. The crowd fell silent as they listened to the lashes being administered by Pilate’s guards, and when Jesus appeared a second time, he was wearing only a loin cloth and his body was cut and bleeding.


Luke 23:22;

Mark 15:14;

Matt 27:23;

John 19:4

13. Pilate said: I bring him to you, but I find no fault in him.

14. But the cries of Crucify him, crucify him, only grew louder, causing Pilate to retreat once again, fearful that he might be the cause of an uprising among the people.

15. When Pilate appeared a third time, Jesus stood on one side of him, while a murderer called Barabbas, who had been brought up from the dungeons, stood on the other.

16. It being the Passover and that time of the year, Pilate offered the crowd the chance to save one of the condemned men from execution.

17. Barabbas, Barabbas, they cried in unison.

18. Pilate said: Shall I crucify your King?

19. The Chief Priest responded: We have no King but Caesar.


Mark 15:6–15;

Matt 27:15–26;

Luke 23:18–25;