4. Jesus said: Unleash the animal and bring him to me. Should anyone ask with what authority you do this, you will say, the Lord has need of him, and they will release the beast.

5. The disciples left Jesus and entered the village, where they found a donkey tied to a barn door. When they released him, someone watching said: Why are you unleashing the donkey?

6. The disciples said: The Lord has need of him, and the man did not question them again.

7. They brought the donkey to Jesus, and after a garment had been placed upon its back, Jesus sat upon the beast and continued his journey into Jerusalem

8. Many removed their cloaks and spread them in front of Jesus, while others cut down branches from the trees and laid them in his path.

9. As Jesus approached the city gates, the citizens began waving palms and cried out: Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the kingdom of our Father David that is coming! Hosanna in the highest!

John 12:13

10. Judas watched in dismay as Jesus passed through the gates and entered the Holy City on a donkey.


Matt 21:2–10;

Mark 11:2–10;

Luke 19:30–36


11. How could the Master hope to take control of the Temple, and drive out the Romans, astride a donkey, with only an undisciplined group of enthusiastic followers for his army?

12. Judas stared up at the bleak Antonia fortress that overlooked the city, aware that a legion of infantry was billeted inside.

13. At the slightest sign of trouble, the great wooden gates would swing open and a phalanx of Roman soldiers would appear.

14. But the Romans did not even bother to leave their fortress as Jesus made his slow progress towards the Temple, and the crowds, no longer believing that he could possibly be the Messiah, began to dwindle and drift away.

15. Judas had been heartened when blind Bartimaeus had called out to Jesus, Son of David, and the Master had not denied him. But Jesus’ decision to enter Jerusalem on a donkey would not convince even the simple-minded that this was the Messiah who had come in triumph to finally remove the pagans from the Holy City.

16. Judas shared his misgivings with Peter, who simply reminded him of Jesus’ words: Get behind me, Satan; this is the Lord’s way, not the way of man, and we must follow God’s will.


Mark 8:33;

Matt 16:23

17. Judas said: ‘But where in our ancient tradition and teaching does it record that the Messiah will enter the Holy City on a donkey?’

18. Peter raised his eyes to heaven and, as if inspired, uttered the words of the Prophet Zechariah:

Rejoice, rejoice, people of Zion!

Shout for joy, you people of Jerusalem!

Look, your king is coming to you!

He comes triumphant and victorious,

but humble and riding on a donkey.

Zech 9:9