28. Judas repeated word for word the relevant passage from Daniel: I saw the night visions, and behold one like the Son of Man came with the clouds from heaven, and was presented before him. To him was given dominion, glory and kingship, and all people, all nations and languages would serve him. His domain would be everlasting, and will not pass away. His kingship is one that will not be destroyed.

Dan 7:13–14

29. Although Judas now felt he understood why Jesus had used the expression ‘Son of Man’, he was further perplexed when the Master later warned the disciples: The Son of Man will be put to death in Jerusalem, but on the third day he will rise again from the dead.


Mark 8:31;

Matt 16:21;

Luke 9:22

30. When Peter first heard these words, he said firmly: ‘Master, we have no desire to accompany you to Jerusalem if it may only result in your death.’

31. Many others have written about what happened next, but Judas could never forget Jesus’ words and he fully understood their meaning.

32. Jesus did not bless Peter in the manner earlier gospels have reported when he said: Get behind me, Satan; you are not on the side of God, but on the side of mankind.

33. Jesus’ words, Get behind me, were used simply to remind his disciples of their calling. When he had first come into their lives, he had said: Follow me, which Judas understood to mean to walk behind him, for he was their Master.

34. Jesus was telling his disciples to follow him without question, wherever he believed that path lay; this, despite the fact that he must have known they could not begin to understand his reason for giving such a command.

35. Judas also understood exactly what Jesus had meant to convey when he uttered the word Satan in their presence.

36. In the Aramaic that Jesus spoke when addressing his followers, the word Satana means ‘stumbling block’, or someone who opposes the ways of God.


37. So when Jesus said: Get behind me, Satan, Judas understood his words to mean: You are stumbling blocks in my path, preventing me from carrying out God’s holy will, because your wishes only fulfil the desires of mankind and you fail to understand the ways of God.


Mark 8:33;

Matt 16:17–23

38. All through the night, the disciples debated the true meaning of Jesus’ words; in particular, his prophecy of a forthcoming journey to Jerusalem, where he would suffer and die, but three days later rise again from the dead, confirming the resurrection of the Son of Man.

39. Search as he might, Judas could not find any passage in the Torah that made an association between suffering, death and the fulfilment of the messianic hopes of Israel. He was greatly disturbed by Jesus’ words.

40. When the morning light broke, Jesus called the disciples together.

41. He addressed them solemnly, saying: My time is approaching. Let us set our faces for Jerusalem.


Luke 9:51

42. Without another word passing between them, the disciples rose as one, and followed Jesus as he began his descent down the slopes of Mount Hermon and on towards the plain that would lead them to Jerusalem.

43. All the disciples knew that the Messiah would have to enter the Holy City if he were to lay claim to the throne of David. But they remained fearful.

44. If Jesus had not warned them that he was going to suffer and die, they would have happily joined him on that journey with joy in their hearts.

45. At that time, Judas still wanted to believe they were setting out on a journey that would result in Jesus’ messianic enthronement, and if it meant sacrificing his own life, he would have done so willingly.

Chapter 12