I unbuttoned his striped Oxford wordlessly and pushed it off his shoulders. My eyes implored him to lift his arms so I could remove his undershirt too. He complied and I was rewarded with golden skin, shining in the moonlight, sculpted to perfection. Goose pimples formed on his pecs as I traced my finger across the wide expansion of his chest, then around his right nipple. I lowered my head and took the tightened bud into my mouth, kissing it reverently. He gasped, clutching the back of my head before guiding me up to his lips. He branded me with his mouth as his tongue dueled with mine. Our kisses were more intense than they’d ever been, as our bodies spoke the words we couldn’t say. It was difficult to breathe, but who needed air? In that moment, Vance’s lips on mine were all I needed to survive. I peppered his stubbled jaw with kisses, nibbled his earlobes, and sucked on his neck. I couldn’t get enough of him. I wanted to taste every inch of his skin. He must’ve felt the same, because he returned the favor, eliciting purrs of approval from me.

At some point, we managed to shed the remainder of our clothes but I couldn’t remember how that happened. I was in a haze of pure ecstasy. We worshipped each other’s bodies with our tongues and lips until I felt I would die if he didn’t fill me in that perfect way that only he could. “Vance,” I panted. “Please, I need you inside of me now.”

He raised his head from licking my navel and smiled. “I can’t think of anything I want more.”

Oh thank God! He climbed up my body and kissed me gently on the lips as he took his thick shaft into his hand. He positioned himself right where I needed him, teasing me mercilessly, rubbing the head of h

is penis against my swollen lower lips. “Please stop stalling!” I begged.

He ravaged my mouth as he slid inside of me, stretching me into bliss. We swallowed each other’s moans as he moved in and out at a painfully slow pace. He grabbed both of my hands, stretching my arms over my head as he developed a delicious rhythm. I arched my back to meet him thrust for thrust, forcing him in deeper. Our bodies were so perfectly in sync I almost cried from the emotions overwhelming me. A familiar sense of power began building between us. My skin prickled as that beautiful golden glow began to form. Vance pulled back to look me in the eyes with a sweet smile on his face. We were suspended in time right then, staring straight into each other’s souls. I’d never felt anything like it before. I couldn’t help it; a tear escaped my lids. He gently kissed it away as he cupped my face with both hands.

“Vance, I’m so close,” I moaned. “Please, go faster.”

We held each other’s eyes as he progressively picked up his pace. I felt the pressure building in my lower abdomen, getting stronger and stronger until I couldn’t hold it back any longer. My orgasm was so strong I was surprised I didn’t implode. My inner walls clenched around him tightly bringing him to his own release, milking him dry. He collapsed on top of me, shuddering from aftershocks. We both tried catching our breath as he lovingly stroked my hair.

“I knew you’d come around, Karli,” he whispered into my neck. “I love you... I love you so damn much.”

I held him until I knew he was in a deep sleep…which was right before I walked out the front door.


Thankfully, Leo hadn’t collected his Audi from Vance’s house yet so I didn’t have to worry about how I’d get out of there. I knew it was a really shitty thing to do, and I felt horrible, but I meant it when I said that it was a onetime only occurrence. A goodbye, if you will. There was no way I’d get out of there without incident had I stayed the whole night. I pulled into the parking lot at Voyeur-Gasm and used the key from Leo to unlock the back door. I was startled when I opened it and found him standing there staring at me.

“What are you doing up here so late?” I asked.

His nostrils flared. “I sensed you nearby and came up,” he replied in a clipped tone. “I was expecting a call from you earlier.”

I flushed. “Yeah, I’m sorry about that, Leo. I…fell asleep on the couch. If you don’t mind, I’d just like to head downstairs so I can go back to sleep. I can worry about my things in the morning.”

“No need, I had Takk get some things for you earlier. They are in the master bedroom.”

“He went through my apartment?”

He nodded as he followed me through the door to his office. “Yes, my dear, but don’t worry…he was in and out rather quickly. I just asked him to grab a few items to make you more comfortable. I can buy you anything else you lack.”

I swallowed the proverbial egg that was lodged in my throat as I read his emotions. Yeah, he was pissed. No doubt, he was fully aware of what Vance and I had been up to a few hours before. “I’m sure what he got will be fine. Thank you.” As I lifted the hatch beneath his desk I added, “I’m just going to take a shower and then hit the hay.”

Leo muttered something that sounded suspiciously like, “Yes, please do so I don’t have to smell that damn detective all over you.”

“What did you say?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Nothing, my love. I am going to stay here and go through some receipts from tonight. Enjoy your shower and rest well.”

I ducked under the hatch to descend the massive flight of stairs.


I showered until the water ran cold, but still felt restless despite the fact that the sun was already up. I couldn’t stop thinking about Vance waking up any moment, discovering what I had done. As the guilt stabbed me in the gut, I realized that I hadn’t thought of the incident with Maria the whole time he and I were making love. Maybe that meant I could eventually forgive him. Erica was right; he was a victim too. We all were. But that didn’t mean that I could forget. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to forget, which would make having any sort of relationship with him impossible.

I decided to head for the library and be productive rather than wallow in my guilt. I glanced around the room until my eyes landed on the small table next to the chaise. The room was untouched since I was last there. I picked up the book of Fae that Leo had given me. I sat down and flipped through it until I came upon a chapter titled, “Vampyre.” It told the story of the origin of the vampire.

Thousands of years ago, a fallen moon god named Khonsu happened upon a fairy village, eventually capturing a maiden named Renata. His brutal attack left them both forever changed. They evolved over time as they drank each other’s blood for survival and became the original vampires…creating a new race one fledgling at a time. The book warned of the dangers to the fairy race as the Fae blood became more and more removed over each new vampire generation. It discussed the possibility of extinction and how the elders would ensure our people would be protected. It spoke of closing off all access to the human realm…wait a second, why does that name sound so familiar?

Renata? Holy fuck! Was it possible? I quickly flipped back to the inscription in the front of the book. ‘It will explain our origin.’ Did she mean it would explain her origin…because she was the original vampire? As her direct descendant, that would mean Leo was only once removed from the Fae, and Maria would be twice removed. Is that why they didn’t go batshit crazy from drinking my blood? Because the Fae essence was so strong in them? Holy motherfuckmeuptheass, Batman!!!

I resumed reading. The book described the emergency plan if our race ever became endangered. It spoke of closing all portals into Faerie. All but one.

The third planet from the sun, in the galaxy Milky Way, will host the last surviving portal into the enchanted kingdom of the Fae. Only those pure of Fae blood will be permitted to access without permission from the highest of elders.