What seemed like hours later, Erica got up from the couch and started walking down the hall. “I’m going to take a nap,” she said and yawned.

I scooted away from Vance and sat staring at my hands in my lap. He got up and followed Erica into the bedroom. A minute later, he walked out closing the door. Walking into the kitchen he asked, “Are you hungry? I’m going to make some lunch.”

“No, I’m good,” I replied. I got up from the couch and walked over to the foyer to grab my phone out of my purse. “I need to check in with Leo.” I think he muttered some expletive under his breath but I couldn’t be sure.

Leo answered on the first ring. “My dear, how are things going?” he asked. “Why are you in Henderson?”

“How did you---” I cut myself off remembering my built in location detector. I cleared my throat. “Um, things are okay. The test was positive. As much as I hate it, I think I should stay here and keep an eye on her. I know I said I wanted to go back to work tonight, but I’d like to retract that if it’s okay with you. She’s taking a nap right now. I don’t know when she’ll wake up, but I want to be here when she does.”

“Of course, my love. This is more important,” he said. “Do you want me to come get you after sunset?”

I looked up and saw that Vance had joined me in the foyer, and was very interested in my conversation with Leo. “That’s sweet of you to offer. Like I said, I’m not sure how long she’ll be sleeping but I’ll call you back later to let you know. Okay?”

“Okay,” he agreed. “Let me know if you need anything.”

“Thank you,” I said. “Goodbye.”

I hung up my phone and shoved it back into my purse. Irritated, I looked back up at Vance. “Did you enjoy eavesdropping?”

He shook his head as he advanced towards me. “Don’t,” he said. “Just stop, okay?” He moved against me until my back was against the front door. He framed my face with his hands. I tried fighting him, but he felt too damn good for my body to obey. Stupid body. “I know you’re mad at me. I know you’re hurt. I get that. But if you’d ever remove this goddamn block you have against me, you’d be able to tell how I feel about you and how very sorry I am. You wouldn’t have a single doubt.” He leaned into me and pressed his cheek into mine. “I know you’re going to need time before we could…be together again. But I know it’s going to happen and so do you. I’d rather not spend the in between fighting with you.”

God, it felt so right being in his arms, it hurt. A tear escaped my lids. I wiped it away before I wrapped my hands around his forearms and removed his hands from my face. He stepped back. As I started walking back into the great room, I said, “Fine, Vance. I’ll call a truce. For Erica’s sake. But as far as us being together again, you’re wrong. The sooner you accept that, the better.” I sat on the couch and turned on the TV.

He walked into the kitchen and returned to my side with two plates. He handed me one loaded with a turkey sandwich and said, “Eat. I saw you eying it as I was making it. I know you’re hungry.”

I reluctantly accepted it and took a bite. He was right, dammit. We ate in silence as we watched a marathon of Deadliest Catch. Totally addicting. The awkwardness became less apparent as the hours ticked by. Erica was still out cold in the guest room when I started feeling sleepy. Being emotional did that to me. I decided to close my eyes for just a second.


I was enveloped in beauty, standing in an ethereal forest surrounding little thatch-roofed huts. I could feel the warm sun and light breeze on my skin. The birds were singing a wonderful melody. The smell of jasmine and gardenias filled my nose. I felt at peace. At home. I looked down at my feet, and noticed little white ballet slippers. I was clothed in a long white, flowing gossamer dress that clung to my curves in all the right places. I felt unequivocally feminine…beautiful…cherished. I had little purple wildflowers clutched in my hand.

“Karli, over here!” a voice called. I knew that voice.

I turned around, looking deeper into the forest. There he stood, by a crystal clear pond surrounded by butterflies. My love. My Vance. He smiled his million dollar smile, warming me in my most intimate places. I couldn’t help but return the gesture as I walked towards him. He stretched out his hand, imploring me to join him. I looked down and saw that his pants were rolled up and he was standing in ankle deep water.

“Care to go for a swim?” he asked. “The water’s perfect.”

“A swim?” I repeated. “We don’t have bathing suits.”

He gave me a mischievous grin as he pulled me into him. Kissing my neck he said, “No, we don’t. But we do have our birthday suits.”

I pulled back and playfully smacked his chest. “Vance, you are so bad! It’s daytime! Anyone could see us!”

He unbuttoned his shirt and threw it on the ground. “So?” he replied. Oh, there go his pants. Oh my, only his boxer briefs are left! “Who cares if they see us? Nobody with any manners would stick around to watch. They would see two people who are so in love with each other that they can’t keep their hands off one another. There’s nothing wrong with that.” With one last show of his pearly whites, his boxers were shed and he was jumping in the water.

I couldn’t get undressed fast enough. He had that effect on me. I needed to be in that water with him. Kissing him. Touching him. As the last piece of my clothing was discarded, I squealed in joy as I cannonballed into the water like a little kid. When I came up from under water, he was right there with me. Laughing with me. Smiling with me. Loving me. I could feel it radiating from every part of his being. This whole place was like that. Warm, like a cocoon. He framed my face with his hands and began kissing me with promises of what was to come. I was instantly on fire. I needed him inside of me. God, I could never get enough of this man.

“Karli, you are my everything,” he managed in between kisses. We were braced against the edge of the pond, touching, kissing, and feeling one another. As he thrust inside of me he added, “This is how it was meant to be. You and I. Here. As one.”

“Oh yes, Vance!” I shouted. “Yes!”

We started to glow, making him smile. “Karli, marry me. Be my wife. Make babies with me.” He winked. “We can start right no


I looked deep into his eyes, seeing that he was deadly serious. “What did you just say?”

He kissed me lightly on the lips as he slowly moved inside of me. “I said, marry me.”