“I’m glad you approve.” He winked.

I continued eating until my plate was completely clean. You’d think I’d be self-conscious with Leo watching me the whole time but I wasn’t. We just sat there in comfortable silence. Unfortunately, the peace did not last long. My phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Vance so I let it go to voicemail. Instead of leaving a message, he decided to dial Leo instead.

“Don’t answer it,” I pleaded.

“My dear, I must. He could have important information.”

“Fine,” I huffed.

“Yes, Detective?” Leo answered on speaker phone so I could listen.

“Leo, I need to talk to Karli.”

“I’m sorry, Vance, but Karli is…indisposed. I’d be more than happy to relay a message if you’d like.”

Vance sighed. “That’s bullshit, Leo. I know she’s there.”

Leo looked to me for guidance. I shook my head. “Again, Detective, she’s indisposed. If you have something important to say, I assure you I will pass the message along.”

“Fine,” Vance snapped. “Tell her that Forensics is done with her apartment, but she’ll need to stay at a safe house for a day or two while I get a security team in place. Where are you? I’ll come by to pick her up.”

“Vance, she’s at my home and I assure you she will be safe with me. If need be, I will worry about procuring additional security.”


?Dammit, Leo, this is a police matter! Quit pulling your alpha male bullshit!”

“First of all,” Leo chided. “Have you looked in a mirror lately, Detective? Secondly, Karli has every right to hire personal security. She’ll need someone with superhuman strength to be any match for Maria. I have a few vamps who can watch her at night, and some weres during the day. She’ll have ample protection without your assistance.”

“Have you lost your mind?” Vance shouted. “She should not be around anymore vampires. Did you forget about the effect that her blood has on your kind? I have plenty of weres and warlocks on staff to protect her.”

“I most certainly have not forgotten how enticing her blood is. I will never forget. But seeing as she is not yet immortal, another vampire would not be able to detect her heritage. Besides, the three days of the full moon start tomorrow so your weres wouldn’t be able to protect her at night. They’ll be too busy chasing rabbits or whatever they do when they shift.”

“What if she gets hurt? What if she bleeds?” Vance asked. “I don’t trust any of you bloodsucking bastards to be near her.”

“Karli would never get hurt on my watch,” Leo countered. “Can you say the same, Detective?” Ooh, ouch. I didn’t think Vance was going to like the reminder of Roxy’s attack while his guards had been watching me—the attack that cost one of them his life.

Fed up with their pissing match, I finally piped in. “Oh, stop it, you two!” I screamed while grabbing Leo’s phone. “Vance, I am perfectly safe with Leo and if I decide to go out, it’s my right! And I can choose whether or not I want another vampire to accompany me. I don’t know why you’re even concerned.”

“Dammit, Karli, I knew you were there!” Vance shouted. “And me not being concerned is a load of crap! I love you. How could I not do everything in my power to protect you?”

“I think you need to look that word up in a dictionary, Vance.”

“Karli, that’s bullshit, and you know it.”

I sighed. “Thanks for everything, Vance, but no thanks. Just let me know when I can go back home, okay?”

“Karli, wait---” Click.

“I hung up,” I said by way of explanation.

Leo flashed me a sympathetic look as he took the phone from me. “I can have a security team in place by morning.”

“Leo, I don’t want anyone, vampire or otherwise, to be my bodyguard. You never know if they could be working for Maria too. Look at what happened with Jake. She’s been planning this for months.”

“If that is what you wish, my dear, I will gladly stick by your side. But you would need to stay indoors during the daytime.”

I let out a deep breath. “Thank you, Leo, but I don’t want to hide out. I want to resume living my life. I need to meet Erica in the morning, and I want to go back to work tomorrow night.”