I narrowed my eyes at him. “Did you know she and Vance were living together?”

He nodded. “I thought you should hear it directly from the source rather than get partial information which would undoubtedly lead to jumping to conclusions.”

“I don’t jump to conclusions!” I insisted.

He gave me a wry expression. “You want to rethink that?”

I did. “Okay, maybe I do. Sometimes.”

“Are you ready to head home, my dear?”

I sighed. “Yeah, no time like the present I guess.”

He stood up and pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Great,” he said. “I’ll make the arrangements. We can leave right after sundown.”


It was a short flight from San Francisco to Las Vegas. Too short. As soon as we landed, I was highly tempted to ask the pilot to turn around. Sensing my anxiety, Leo grabbed my arm and kissed my inner wrist. Ah, I loved it when he did that. It simultaneously relaxed and excited me and he knew it.

Smiling with a little fang he asked, “Are you ready to deplane, my love?”

Before I could answer, a crewman opened the door and extended the small ladder. There was a shiny blue Maybach 62S waiting for us, complete with a chauffeur loading our bags.

“A Maybach, Leo? Really?” I asked. “Isn’t that a little excessive?”

He smiled. “When will you ever learn, my dear? Only the best.”

As I was stepping off the ladder I teased, “You know, your über wealth is a little disgusting at times.”

He chuckled as he helped me into the car. “Disgusting, maybe. Convenient, definitely.”

When we got into the car the driver asked, “Sir, where to?”

Leo looked at me, raising his eyebrows. “My pet, where would you like to go?”

I thought about it for a moment. “My apartment.”

“Very well,” he said. “Richard, please take us to the lady’s residence.”

“Yes, Sir,” Richard replied as he started the ignition.

I looked at Leo quizzically. “Doesn’t he need my address?”

He smiled. “No, my dear. It’s his job to know.”

Shaking my head, I propped the foot rest up and leaned back as we pulled out of the airport.


We got to my apartment and pulled up right in front of my building. I stepped out of the car, intending to go inside but Leo grabbed my arm as I reached the first step.

“Stop,” he commanded.

Confused, I asked, “Huh? Why?”

He narrowed his eyes at the door. “Something’s wrong. Do you smell that?”

I inhaled deeply. “Smell what?” I asked. “I don’t smell anything.”