“Watch my beer,” he muttered as he bee-lined it over to her table. He was suddenly in the middle of what I would assume would be his wet dream as she invited him to sit and three of her friends surrounded him. Oh geez.

Erica and Jake came in a few minutes later and walked up to the bar. “Hey, K,” she said. “Will you entertain Jake for a sec while I run in the back? I left something very...important in my locker.”

I nodded for Jake to have a seat. “Of course,” I replied. “Jake, can I get you a drink?” Sure,” he said. “I’ll have a Jack and Coke.” I appreciated the view in front of me while I prepared his drink and set it in front of him. Erica had definitely bagged a hottie. He was huge, like maybe six foot four and about two hundred and sixty pounds of stacked muscle. He reminded me of that really hot ex-wrestler turned movie star. Tawny skin, brown eyes, short black hair, and racially ambiguous. Also, sexy and manly as hell. As he raised his drink to his mouth, his forearm flexed, accentuating his tribal tattoos. I found myself wondering how soft his plump lips were. Omigod, what was I doing, ogling my best friend’s guy? Ugh! Stupid hormones!

I shook it off and asked, “So, what are you and Eri up to tonight?”

He flashed his pearly whites. “Oh, we are just going to work on some…spells.”

I blushed. “Oh, um…that sounds like fun.” Crap, I’d forgotten about the sex magic. Damn, damn, damn! Kudos to him for having some discretion. Erica could certainly take a few tips from him.

Suddenly she was back, nibbling his ear. “C’mon, baby, I got it. Let’s go.” She brushed her hand against his crotch, not so subtly I might add, which prompted him to jump out of his seat and follow her like a lost puppy out the door.

Christ, Bob was going to be working overtime tonight.


I woke the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing. “Hello?” I croaked. Damn, I was tired. I’d tossed and turned all night. You’d think six orgasms would at least take the edge off. I would have gone for more but Bob’s batteries died. I’m going to have to buy stock in Duracell if this keeps up much longer.

“Good morning, my love.” Ah, Leo’s voice was especially erotic in the morning.

“Morning.” My nipples were painfully hard. I caught myself kneading my breasts for relief. Cripes.

“What’s wrong?” he asked. “You sound…distressed.”

I raked my hands through my hair and cleared my throat. “Nope, I’m good,” I lied. “Whatsup?”

“I never heard back from you yesterday. I was wondering if you were available to see me tonight?”

Shit, I’d totally forgotten to call him. “Sorry, Leo, we were swamped from the convention. Um…I’m going to have to check with Erica about tonight.”

“Is that really necessary, Karli?” he asked. “You’ve been dragging that poor soul around for months. I assure you, I’ll be on my best behavior.”

“Maybe you will, but I won’t.”

“Excuse me?”

Crap, did I say that out loud? “Nothing. I didn’t say anything.”

He sighed. “My dear, I have something for you to see. I do not think involving Erica would be wise.”

“Why not?” I asked. “I tell her everything.?


“Not everything. It is here with me, at home. You know how I feel about revealing this location.” Leo lived in a super-secret, underground lair located directly below his sex club, Voyeur-Gasm. I was the only other person who knew it existed.

“Can’t you just bring it up to your office?” I suggested.

He sighed, much heavier this time. “No, my sweet, I cannot. There are too many vampires walking around the club for me to bring it to my office. It is a gift of a very…sensitive nature.”

Ah, fairy stuff. Got it. “Leo, I appreciate the offer. I do. I just can’t be alone with you right now. I’m sorry. Can it wait until I have more control over my actions? Or maybe Erica can come with me after hours?”

“You’re not leaving me much of a choice.” He paused. “Any idea how much longer this mandatory chaperone thing will last? I miss you.”

Now it was my turn to sigh. “No, Leo, I don’t. My birthday is coming up which means it should be sooner rather than later.”

“Sooner cannot get here fast enough. I have to go now, Karli.”