“She gives me the toy from her Happy Meal so I get two Old McDonald’s toys!” he says. “I love my Aunt Wainey.”

Yeah, me too, little man. Me too.

Drew clears his throat. “We should actually get going. I told her we’d be there by four.”

“That’s cool. I think I’m gonna hit the gym.”

I get off the recliner and rub my hand over Nathan’s head to mess up his hair. “I’ll see you later, dude. Be good.”

He wraps his little body around my leg. “Bye, duth-bag!”

“Damn it,” Drew mutters as he digs out his wallet. “Nathan, don’t say douchebag. Are you trying to bankrupt me?”

Nate hangs his head. “Sorry, Unca’ Drew.”

“I’ll see ya later, guys.”

“Hey, I’m on duty at the station for the next few days but why don’t we meet up for a beer on Friday?” Drew suggests.

“Sure,” I say. “Just text me when and where.”

As expected, the gym does nothing to improve my sour mood. It never does, though it doesn’t stop me from trying. I’ve been working out about twice as often as I used to—mainly because I love to eat and I’m not burning calories the fun way—and the only progress I’ve made is physically. I think I’ve gained about fifteen pounds of muscle over the past couple of months. I’ve always been a pretty fit dude, but I’m definitely packing more bulk now.

The week passes in a fog. It’s the same uneventful shit every day. Get up. Go to work. Go to sleep. Do it all over again the next day. I find myself thinking about Rainey more and more. I loved seeing her when I got off of work each day; it gave me something to look forward to. Even if she had an overnight shift, we still texted throughout the day, and sometimes she’d swing by my place in the wee hours of the morning for a quickie before I had to go to work.

God, I miss her so fucking much. Isn’t this supposed to hurt less as time goes on?

Friday finally rolls around and as promised, Drew and I make plans. Since I’ve been avoiding the waitresses at Kelly’s, we’ve been trying out new places whenever we meet up. Tonight we’re at this trendy new club that’s more on the upscale side. We usually prefer dive bars because the drinks are stronger and it’s less crowded, but Drew says he knows the bartender here and she’ll give us the hookup. What that really translates to is Drew wants to hook up with the bartender. I really have no desire to play the wingman tonight but I’m trying to be a good sport since he’s been putting up with my cantankerous ass.

We take a seat at the expansive bar and Drew doesn’t waste any time getting his flirt on. Thankfully, I’ve been able to nurse my drinks in relative solitude. After the third woman attempted and failed to get a free drink out of me, I think word of my standoffishness spread quickly.

“Dude, you’ve got to get back out there sometime.” Drew gestures to the crowded dance floor. “There’s no better time than the present. Look at the sea of hot women wearing minimal clothing. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.”

I turn back around to finish my third beer of the night. “Nah, I’ll pass.”

“Brody, yo—”

“How is she, Drew?”

He feigns confusion. “How is who?”

“You know who.” I roll my eyes. “Look, I know I said I was better off not knowing, but I can’t take it anymore. Is she happy? Is she seeing someone?”

Drew smirks. “Why don’t you ask her for yourself?”

What? I whip my head around when he nods to someone over my shoulder. At first I think I’m hallucinating—because, fuck, she’s even more beautiful than I remember—but sure enough, Rainey is standing no more than twenty feet away next to Drew’s sister. My eyes soak it all in as she and Devyn engage in an obviously heated discussion. Her long red locks are down, curled in soft waves, and she’s wearing a black mini dress with red stilettos that makes me equal parts pissed and appreciative. She clearly didn’t know that Drew and Devyn were scheming until a few seconds ago, which means she was on the prowl.

I know I’m staring but I really don’t fucking care because I can’t get enough. If this is the only chance I’m going to have to appreciate those curves that I love so much, I’m going to be one gluttonous motherfucker until she makes me stop.

With one last gesticulation, Rainey leaves Devyn’s side. Her eyes don’t stray from mine for even a second as she closes the gap between us.

“Hi.” She’s practically yelling so I can hear her over the thumping bass.

“Hi.” My eyes shamelessly travel the length her body and back up again. “You look amazing, honey.”

She stiffens with the term of endearment, but she can deal because I’m not taking it back.

“You look good, too, Brody.” I don’t miss the way her eyes graze over my torso. Thor does a little jig in my pants because her attraction to me obviously hasn’t waned.