“The odds about what?”

“I’m guessing you’re here visiting Devyn and the baby. Am I right?”

I lean against the vanity and cross my arms over my chest. “Yeah...and?”

“So am I. My buddy, Drew, wanted me to meet his new nephew.”

Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me!

I wave him into the bathroom, so I can leave. “Well, by all means, take care of your business and get to it. I was just leaving.”

He blocks my exit and closes the door. “You know what this means, don’t you, Rainey?”

I splay my hand against his torso to put some space between us. “What does it mean, Brody?”

I bite my lip, hoping that didn’t come out as breathy as I think it did.

Brody is now fixated on said lips. “The fact that you remember my name tells me that I made an impression on you, too.”

“Will you get to the point?” I blurt. “And don’t flatter yourself with the name thing. Most of my patients are women, so of course I’m going to remember the guy with the boner that wouldn’t quit.”

He laughs. “My point, is that we’re going to be seeing a lot more of each other...and I won’t be your patient. Now you have to consider going out with me.”

“I don’t have to consider anything,” I argue.

“Damn, I really wish I didn’t have to fly back to Boston tomorrow.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Boston?”

“Yeah. I’m in grad school.”

Thank God; he doesn’t even live here. As if he’s reading my mind he adds, “But don’t worry, beautiful; I’ll be back. I’m coming home after I graduate next year.”

“Home is Seattle?”

He steps back slightly to regard me. “Technically, I grew up about twenty miles south of the city, but this is where I plan on being if all goes well on the job front. I’m going into Aerospace Engineering. Convenient that one of the largest plants in the world is right here, don’t you think?”

I eye him skeptically. “You’re going to design planes for a living?”

He puffs his chest out. “I sure am. Are you impressed?”

“Meh, not really.”

Okay, total bullshit right there. Smart guys are extra hot in my opinion, but there’s no way I’m telling him that.

He leans in to whisper, “You’re sexy when you lie, do you know that?”

I roll my eyes as I push him off me. “What makes you think I’m single?”

“Oh, you’re single,” he says confidently. “Or if you’re taken, you’re not with a guy that can hold your interest. You wouldn’t look at me the way you do if you were.”

“Last time I checked, being repulsed by someone looks entirely different than wanting to do the dirty with them.” I wiggle the fingers on my left hand in front of his face. “For your information, I am taken, and he holds my interest just fine.”

He stares at my shiny new ring. “You’re married? You weren’t wearing a ring when we first met. Trust me, I checked.”

“I’m engaged, actually. I don’t wear the ring at work because it would tear through my exam gloves.”

His frown quickly morphs into a smirk. “You can pretend all you want, Rainey. Ring or no ring, you and I both know I make your panties wet.”