I give her a half-assed wave. “Yeah...sure.”

“Well, hel-lo,” Charlee purrs.

My eyes snap up to find Drew towering over her in the doorway.

“Hello to you, too,” he says. “And you are?”

Oh, hell no.

Do you see that sparkle in their eyes? The way they’re subconsciously leaning into each other? That, right there, is the reason I’ve kept Charlee away from him all these years.

I jump up and give her a little shove out the door. “Just leaving. I’ll talk to you later, Charlee.”

She stares at Drew appreciatively as she walks backwards down the hall. “Yeah...sure. See you later.” She winks before turning around and ducking down the stairwell.

I push Drew inside and shut the door. “What are you doing here, asshole?”

“That was Charlee? As in your sister, Charlee?”

“Yep. Now answer my question.”

He widens his stance and crosses his arms over his ridiculously wide chest. “Sure. After you answer mine. Is she single? And why in the hell have I not met her before?”

“Nope.” I shake my head furiously. “Don’t even fucking think about it. I’m still scarred from her little tryst with Riley.”

“What the fuck? As in my sister’s Riley?”

I roll my eyes. “It was years ago, dude. In Boston. And according to them, they never slept together. Supposedly one awkward kiss when he was dropping her off but I never pressed any further because I didn’t feel like puking.”

My stomach rolls. The thought of my sister doing the nasty with any one of my friends makes me queasy.

Drew’s still staring at my closed door contemplating something. “Interesting.”

I throw my hands up. “Why is everything so fucking interesting today?”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“Nothing.” I wave him off. “Now, tell me what you want.”

“Dude. I’m here to help you plan an epic bachelor party. Devyn just told me that you’re the appointed best man, so I’m making sure you don’t screw up the most important part of this whole wedding planning process.”

And people say I’m an idiot.

“I haven’t had time to think about it.”

“Which is exactly why you need me,” he insists. “I’m thinking Vegas. Picture it—topless pools and liquor by day, poker and strippers by night.”

“I’m pretty sure your sister wouldn’t appreciate all the naked women in this plan.”

“Pssh, she wouldn’t care. She knows Riley is fucking blind to other women. He’s just along for the ride.”

I laugh. “You do realize it’s not your bachelor party, right?”

“Yeah...sure. So what do you say?”

I grab a beer out of the fridge and throw it to him. What’s that saying? It’s five o’clock somewhere, right?