Rainey reaches up and takes my bottom lip between her teeth. “You’re not so bad yourself.” She gives me a lascivious grin and her eyes widen when my cock begins to harden. “You wanna go again?”

Thor jumps and reaches his full potential at the thought. Damn, I don’t think I’ve had a recovery this fast since I was a teenager. I grind into her and say, “Hell, yes, I want to go again.”

Say it with me, folks: All hail the Magic Pussy.

Chapter Forty-Two


It’s been just over a month since Brody and I started sleeping together. I can honestly say that I’ve never had better sex in my entire life. With Brody, no matter how many times we’ve done it—which is so many I’ve lost count—it keeps getting better and better. I never knew sex could be so fulfilling...so consuming. I want to kick myself daily for waiting so long to do this with him.

“Whatcha thinking about, Lorraine?” Devyn asks.

I peel my eyes away from Brody’s ass. “Nothing specific.”

“Really? I could’ve sworn you were picturing Brody naked just now.”

I blush. “It’s not my fault he’s so pretty.”

She laughs. “Are you sure that’s the only reason?”

Brody and I have still been able to maintain our secrecy—Devyn excluded—but it’s becoming increasingly difficult.

“I feel out of control, Dev.”

“How so?”

“I want him all the time,” I say in a hushed tone. The boys are walking quite a few steps ahead of us, but you can never be too careful having this conversation in public, especially in a place packed with children. “Like, it’s all I seem to think about anymore. And he’s exactly the same way. When we’re apart, we’re constantly sexting and when we’re alone together, we shed our clothes within minutes. It’s like, we’re both crawling out of our skin to get to each other, and we can’t function until we squeeze an orgasm or two out of each other. That can’t possibly be normal. Right?”

She quirks her head to the side. “Interesting.”

“What do you mean, ‘interesting’?”

“Are you sure you don’t have stronger feelings for him than you’re willing to admit?”

I sigh. “I like him a lot. I always have, deep down, even when he was being a complete jackass and irritating the shit out of me. He’s fun. And we’re obviously compatible in bed, but that’s the extent of it.”

She raises her eyebrows. “I don’t think that’s true, Lorraine.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I’m obviously not some sex expert since I’ve only been with two men, but I do know the difference between sleeping with someone and sleeping with the one. I loved Jackson, you know I did, but being intimate with Riley is and always has been on a whole other level. It’s sacred, almost, even when it’s really, really dirty.” I smile when her face turns beet red at that last set of words. “With Nathan around, we can’t exactly do it whenever we want, but the want is definitely there.”

“Honey, I appreciate what you’re saying, but Brody is not the one.”

She takes a bite of her elephant ear. Damn, I really should’ve bought one of those. “I know you don’t like bringing this up, but let me ask you this: you loved Adam, despite how it ended, and you always said sex with him was fantastic. Now, think about that, and then think about how you’ve been feeling over the last few weeks with Brody.”

I gnaw on my thumb, not liking where she’s going with this. “Okay...and?”

“The missing factor between the two is the connection—that ineffable bond that transcends reason. It just is.”

I grin as Brody swings Nathan in a circle before planting him on his shoulders. I’m pretty sure he enjoys being at the zoo more than the kid does.

“Devyn, even if I wanted to actually date him, it would be pointless. He’s not a long-term relationship kind of guy.”

“What makes you think that?”

“Have you ever seen him with a woman more than a few weeks?”